
From 1973 to 1978 was a student of a Legal Department in Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov.

One of organizations of the first instrumental orchestra in Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. Winner of republican and international competitions and festivals.

In 1978 after graduation from the Legal Department of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov was sent to an executive committee of Soviet of People's Deputies in Guriyev Oblast.

37 years of a blameless work were spent in Atyrau Oblast.

For peoples’ sake, the executive committee of the Soviet of People's Deputies in Guriyev Oblast proposed to send her to an outlying region in order to enhance the legal activities.

In 1978 performed organizational works for opening of a State Notary Public Office in outlying Kyzylkoginsk region under assignments of the Government and the Communist Party.

The same year opened the first regional Notary Public Office in the center of Kyzylkoginsk region in Miyaly village and had worked there for 9 years as the first Public Notary.

In 1980 year while working in the region joined a Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), took an active part in the social part of the region, raised a credibility of the legal sphere with a honourable attitude towards work, was awarded certificates of honor and letters of gratitude by the state bodies. Elected as a secretary for a newly established Primary Party Organization of the Prosecutor's Office. The Primary Party Organization of the Prosecutor's Office took the first place in the region for meeting CPSU charter requirements.

From 1978 to 1987 a member and a staffed lector in the “Knowledge society”. Read lectures for various subjects in all districts of the region, hold workshops, made a contribution into educational sphere.

In 1983 year organized the women’s club “Ak Bosaga” as a cultural event in the region and was the first president of this club. The club worked till 1986 year. During this time, the club performed significant work in the field of education of young people, dealing with family issues, important issues between older and younger generations. Activities of the club "Ak bosaga" entitled as "Wives in 1941" with participation of widows and mothers who had experienced a heavy burden during the war were of great educational value to the public area (some articles were written in the media).

Remained in the history of Kyzylkoginsk area and, along with honored people, registered in the Regional Thesaurus.

Since 1987, the career in Atyrau began with membership in the Atyrau Regional Bar Association as an attorney.

Worthy of having worked in the legal profession, from 1989 to 1991 headed the newly created legal department in the public trust "Gurevneftehimstroy".

Important works for the Trust were carried out together with the industry arbitration under Regional Structures.

For compensation of vast debts to "Gurevneftehimstroy" trust was thanked by the State Construction Committee of Kazakh SSR, and was encouraged cash awards and valuable gifts.

In the years 1991-1994 led the legal work of the Council of Federation of Atyrau region Trade Unions and Atyrau Oil, Gas Regional Committee.

From the 1st of March 1995 (effective date of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) to 2001 year led a newly created legal service in OJSC “Embamunaigas”. That period was the beginning of legal framework formation in the Republic and a legal reform in transition economies after creation of the nation-state.


Made a great personal commitment and brought in compliance with the legal requirements, mainly:

  • numerous structural units of industrial association “Embaneft” acquired a status of an independent legal entity;
  • set up branches;
  • licenses received competent authorities from at short notice;
  • a number of documents associated with industrial association “Embaneft” fields were received from the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • period 1997-1998, legal entities were established on the basis of Embamunaigas branches’ assets - limited liability companies with 100% of share capital. In this direction, promptly and correctly solved all assigned organizational issues, carried out legal procedures in accordance with the law, thereby contributing to the economic development of society;
  • made a personal contribution to return millions of debt to Embamunaigas, which were formed in the initial difficult period of independence when industrial association "Embaneft" exported Kazakh oil to the far and near abroad to barter for various consumer goods, by signing the contract and sending money flows to foreign companies, some of which proved to be false, unfounded (for example: company Kama Korea - in Kaliningrad, Russia, company Penta – in Turkey, company Sklotan - in Czechoslovakia, and company Tengri - in Kyrgyzstan, etc.).

Therefore the legal service Embamunaigas OJSC was preconized by Cherdabaev R.T., the first head of the region;

  • 1995, for the purpose of production needs together with law enforcement agencies contributed to the preparation of a draft Resolution for adoption by the Government to implement the exchange of goods (barter) only with manufacturers;
  • was personally involved in development, preparation and approval of the subsoil use contract for all fields of Embamunaigas with competent authorities in the Republic;
  • 1995, the contracts were terminated for improper fulfillment of obligations by the German company "Mendex" on joint development of Matin field having a strategic importance. Was personally involved in the negotiations in Moscow to discuss the settlements, investment issues, proving the legitimacy of the legal aspects of liability under international laws;
  • in order to develop the above mentioned Matin field the legal documents have been prepared in cooperation with the Turkish company "Mat-Oil S.A". Protects the interests of Embamunaigas OJSC, contributed to the introduction of joint venture preferential conditions into the legal documents, prepared reports and conducted business. Subsoil Use Contracts considered sovereign rights for subsoil use. As a result, on the 15th of March 1997, a joint venture JV Matin was established between Embamunaigas OJSC and Turkish company "Mat-Oil S.A". Mostly, local specialists in oil industry were involved in the performance of works;
  • 1995-1996, in order to fulfill the republican governmental decrees, participated in negotiations with leaders of virgin areas to provide fuels and lubricants during the planting season, concluded contract, performed a number of legal proceedings in accordance with the law, as a result of this work a contribution was made to development of economical sector in the Republic;
  • 1997, large scope of works for regulation of the relationship between the executive and governing bodies was carried out relative to the transfer of 85% of Embamunaigas OJSC ordinary shares to a newly created NC KazMunayGas;
  • 1998, following the decree of the governing bodies KazakhOil-Emba JSC was created by merging Embamunaigas OJSC and Tengizmunaigaz JSC. Owing to timely and qualitative implementation of procedures prescribed by law the firstborn of Kazakh oil gained a footing and obtained a status of Kazakhoil-Emba OJSC. Employees of both companies were provided with jobs, without any prejudice, in accordance with applicable law. Implementation and all statutory reorganization procedures carried out through the merger with the participation of the head of the legal service Balapan D.;
  • 1995 - 1998 years, focuses efforts on the return of Embamunaigas OJSC to Munai JV, which is one of the first companies established in collaboration with a foreign investor in the Republic of Kazakhstan for development of "Kenbai" field with significant oil deposits. After settlement of a number of contradictions concerning the Joint Venture "Munai" in accordance with the law, "Kenbai" field was returned to Embamunaigas OJSC for self-development. For this purpose, documents were sent to a variety of courts and many incremental procedures were implemented. Took part in trials, held talks with the American law firm "Akin-Gump". A license is obtained from the competent authority for Kenbai field development. Embamunaigas OJSC established an affiliated company “Kainarmunaigas” for oil and gas production management (NGDU). On the 10th of June 1996 a grand opening of Kenbai field in NGDU Kainarmunaigas in presence of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President. The last step associated with the Kenbai field was an auction of pledged property on the 4th of May 1997, when Embamunaigas OJSC bought seven real estate items from the property of a foreign company. A certificate of real property was obtained from the competent authority on the 15th of June Took an active part on all stages of these activities;
  • 1998-1999, a number of activities to get a permission for Embamunaigas OJSC from the Government to perform geological exploration works on "UAZ" and "Kondybai" fields of Taisoigan Block, located on the military training ground - on the territory of Kyzylkoginsk region. As a result, in 1999 the Government adopted a resolution on development of "UAZ" and "Kondybai" fields;
  • 2001, KazMunayGas Technology Research Institute LLP was established, a major participant of it was NC KazMunayGas Was sent there as a chief lawyer in order to regulate organizational, economic and moral relations and resolution of concerns related to an organization of corporate governance. Tasks and all procedures related to the establishment and activities carried out at the appropriate level, thus LLP "Technology Research Center KazMunayGas" became a successful and respected enterprise;
  • 2003, in accordance with the State Program on development of the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea, on the instructions of NC KazMunayGas JSC, KazMunayGas Technology Research Institute LLP has performed engineering and geological surveys prior to drilling exploration wells No1, No2 on Kurmangazy area​​. Due to lack of experience and specialists in the field of offshore drilling, negotiations had taken place in Gelendzhik city (Russia) with the South Scientific Production Association for Offshore Geological Prospecting Works "Yuzhmorgeologiya"; was personally involved into negotiations to draft contracts protecting the sovereign rights of the Republic of Had obtained an Exploration License from the competent authority. As a result, KazMunayGas Technology Research Institute LLP together with "Yuzhmorgeologiya" carried out the first operation under the state program - geotechnical studies on Kurmangazy area​​;
  • 2003-2004, KazMunayGas Technology Research Institute LLP merged with SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC. Was appointed to a position of Director of Legal Department and, subsequently, Director of Organizational & Legal Department in SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC – the legal successor of KazMunayGas Technology Research Institute LLP. A number of significant works had been done within this period:
  • сomplicated procedures for merging of two companies were conducted at a high level in accordance with the applicable legislation;
  • eliminated a number of contradictions to the current legislation, all workers were provided with work in both companies;
  • economic and moral attitudes were regulated and aligned;
  • real estate owned by the SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC was legitimated. After repeated trials with a personal participation all the real estate became the property of SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC;
  • legalized electronic and high frequency devices, measuring instruments, owned by SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC, permits obtained. An Attestation (Calibration) Certificate was received for SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC Laboratory;
  • a numerous works were carried out for flotation of SRDI Caspiymunaygas JSC stocks in the Republic of Kazakhstan Agency for regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations;
  • after a competent study and a long dispute with the tax authorities, the Republican Tax Committee had canceled the Atyrau Oblast Tax Committee’s Resolution of 9th of June 2003 on penalty recovery;
  • leaded the Corporate Affairs activities for many years.

From 5th of January 2004 up to date:

  • Director of Legal Department in the Joint Stock Company “Scientific, Research and Design Institute “Caspiymunaygas”;
  • Director of Organizational & Legal Department in the Joint Stock Company “Scientific, Research and Design Institute “Caspiymunaygas”;
  • Executive Director of Organizational Legal and Corporate Affairs in the Joint Stock Company “Scientific, Research and Design Institute “Caspiymunaygas”;
  • Director of Project Support & Contracts Department in the Joint Stock Company “Scientific, Research and Design Institute “Caspiymunaygas”.


Adhering to principles, hard-driving, fair minded, responsible to official duties. Known as a competent lawyer, a member of the Republican Union of Lawyers.

Made contributions to the development and establishment of institutional frameworks in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Participated in discussions of several draft legislations.


Precious  moments  in public works  and labor way:

  • 1975- delegate to  International  Association of Universities (IAU)  in Moscow, where the countries of Central Asia were presented only by universities from Kazakhstan and Tajikistan;
  • 1976- the recipient of a prize in the First Republican Talent Show in Shymkent city. A commemorative medal was awarded by the Ministry of Culture of Kazakh SSR;
  • 1982- due to the 60th anniversary of the Soviet notary was awarded the certificate of honor by executive committee of the Guryev regional Council of People's Deputies.
  • 1983, 1985 the delegate of party conference from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union;
  • Was awarded a note of thanks , certificates of NC KazMunayGas JSC , certificates of state bodies and public organizations;
  • 1996 - the delegate to the National Conference of Lawyers from  Atyrau  region;
  • 2003- was presented in the nomination "Person of the Year" among  the republican lawyers;
  • August 25, 2005- was awarded  a commemorative medal  "10 Years of Kazakhstan Constitution";
  • December 7 ,  2010- was awarded  a commemorative medal   “Eren Yenbegi Ushin“ (i.e. For Distinguished Labor);
  • October 29, 2014-was awarded  a commemorative  medal   “Pride of the Nation”, “World of Peace”;
  • November 18, 2014 – was awarded  International medal   "Badge of Honor" with the rank of  Chevalier of the International Order "Badge of Honor".
  • November 19, 2015 – was awarded a a commemorative  medal   “KAZENERGY” (Kazakhstan Association of Oil,  Gas and Energy Sector Organizations).
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