Sharmukhanbet Saltanat Ruslankyzy, 2001-2005 graduated with honors from Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova majored in 030240-Physics and computer science. In 2005-2007, she studied for a master's degree at Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova, upon completion of which she was awarded the master of Physics qualification.

In 2005-2008 worked as a science teacher at school-gymnasium №30, in 2008-2009 he worked as a teacher in a private school "Tehilim" in the city of Atyrau. In 2009-2010, he was a teacher of the Department of "Physics and technical disciplines" of Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov.

In 2010, she entered the PhD doctoral program in the specialty "6D011100-Informatics" of Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov. In 2011, due to the closure of this specialty, she was sent to study for a doctorate At the Institute of master's and doctoral studies PhD of the Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay on the recommendation of the rector of Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov.

During her studies in the PhD program, Sharmukhanbet Saltanat fully and successfully mastered the theoretical course, passed the state comprehensive exam and defended her dissertation under the PhD program in the specialty "6D011100-computer Science", mastered research methods, analysis and synthesis of scientific data, as well as teaching methods.

The research work of the employee on the topic "Methodological bases of training teachers to use remote access devices and virtual devices as a means of Informatization of education (on the example of training physics teachers)" is to justify the effectiveness of using virtual devices and devices with remote access as a means of Informatization of teaching students of pedagogical universities and their subsequent training of schoolchildren, the necessity and ways of corresponding expansion of the methodological system of training teachers in the field of Informatization of education are substantiated. The proposed teaching method is implemented at the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University and at the Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau state University. The results were reported at the International scientific and practical conference "Mathematical, natural science education and Informatization" (Moscow, 2012), the International scientific and practical conference "ICT-competence of a modern teacher" (Moscow, 2013), scientific and methodological seminars of the Moscow city pedagogical University, the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University.

The results of the work of Sharmukhanbet S. R were published in scientific and methodological journals-22 articles, including 5 articles in scientific publications recommended by the Committee for control in the field of science and education and 1 article in the international database of companies Scopus.

From September 10 to October 12, 2012, sharmukhanbet Saltanat completed a research internship at the Moscow city pedagogical University. All this played a key role in the success of the research work. Saltanat Ruslanka has established itself as a bona fide Executive and doctoral student, has an analytical thinking. Presentations at international scientific and practical conferences in Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey indicate the acquisition of high professional training in the course of training.

Sharmukhanbet S. R. is well-brought up, friendly, sociable, proved to be a good organizer of scientific and scientific-pedagogical work, enjoys authority among colleagues, is capable of professional activity in accordance with the received qualifications, has the ability to creative activity. She actively participates in all activities of the Department of "Informatics and Informatization of education" and "Institute of mathematics, physics and Informatics".

The topic of the dissertation research Sharmukhanbet S. R. is relevant and continues the researcher's earlier search for an effective method of teaching physics using remote access devices and virtual devices in Informatization of education.