
Olga Belichenko, the Doctor in Social Communications, the Head of  Ukrainian  Department of  Donbass State Pedagogical University (SSPU)  Slaviansk, Ukraine, a Ukrainian, was born on March, 17, 1964 in Slaviansk, Donetsk  region (Ukraine) in the workers’ family of  Leonid Belichenko and Tamara Belichenko.

Olga Belichenko graduated from Librarian Faculty of Kharkov State Institute of  Culture in 1991.  As a professional was formed under the influence of such scientists’ views as  Professor  Valentina Ilganaeva, Natalia Kushnarenko, Ippolit  Zborovets, Vasili Sheiko.

Her professional activity started at a Trade Union Library, continued at a School Library, then at Slaviansk  State  Pedagogical Library, starting as a Senior Librarian, the Head of the Reading  Hall, the Head of the Reading  Hall Sector, up to the Heard of the Information  Bibliography Department.

Her pedagogical activity started at the Department of  Ethics, Aesthetics of   Slaviansk State Pedagogical University. In 1997-2002 Olga Belichenko worked at the same time at Pedagogical Lyceum of SSPU, teaching the course of  Foreign  History and Ukrainian Culture, on completion of the author’s  program of the curriculum  «Culture via Text», received the first Teacher’s  Category.

In 1999-2008 Olga Belichenko was  a Lecturer of  the Institute of Scientific – Industrial and Pedagogical Infrastructure, teaching Humanities: History of  World culture, Pedagogics, Ethics of  Professional Communication, Professional Communicative Ukrainian.

Olga Belichenko in April, 2001 in a specialized Board of Kharkiv Academy of Culture under the supervision of the scientific adviser of  Doctor of  Historical Sciences, Professor Valentina Ilganaeva presented the thesis «Cultural-Educational Role of a Book in the Conditions of  Society’s Information» for obtaining the Degree of  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in 27.00.03 – «Bibliology, Library Science, Bibliography/ 029 – Information, Librarianship, Archive File».

Since 2001 Olga Belichenko was a Senior Lecturer at the Department of General and Russian Linguistics and Theory and History of Literature.

In 2003 Olga Belichenko graduated from Slaviansk State Pedagogical University with Honors and got higher education in specialty «Pedagogics and Methodology of Secondary Education. Language and Literature (Russian) and Ukrainian and Ukrainian Literature» and received the qualification of a Teacher of Russian and Literature, Foreign Literature and Ukrainian and Literature.

In 2002 – 2005 Olga Belichenko was the Head of Russian-Ukrainian Department of Philological Faculty of Slaviansk State Pedagogical University.

In 2004 Olga Belichenko got the diploma of Associate Professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics and Theory and History of Literature.

After the completion of the Doctorate of the Institute of Journalism of Classic Private University (Zaporozhje) under the supervision of scientific advisor Professor Valentina Ilganaeva in 2013 Olga Belichenko presented the thesis «Fiction Literature in Social Communicative Structure of Society»  for the scientific Degree of  the Doctor of Science in Social Communications in specialty 27.00.01 – «Theory and History of Social Communications/ 061 Journalism».

Since 2014 Olga Belichenko is the Head of Ukrainian Department of Philological Faculty of Donbass State Pedagogical University (Slaviansk, Ukraine).

On February, 25, 2016 Olga Belichenko got the scientific degree of the Professor of Ukrainian Department.

As the Head of the Department Olga Belichenko is a general scientific advisor of the scientific research of the Department: «Topical Problems of Literature Science, Language Science, Social Communications and their Implementation in Lessons at Comprehensive Schools». On her being in charge of the Department there has appeared new specialties: «Ukrainian and Non-School Education», «Ukrainian and Basics of Culturology», «Ukrainian and School Bibliography», «Ukrainian and Media Communications at Educational Establishments».

In the work of the Department a great attention is put on the development of its scientific-research potential. Owing to the purpose different seminars on actual problems of Philology, Media Communications and other factual problems are held at the Department, outside the Department, within and in interuniversity space. Olga Belichenko organized the town training seminars «Basics of Journalism» with the Certificate on the completion, at present she works on the fundamental scientific research «Literary Language Potential of Donbass in Social Communicative Space of Ukraine and World».

Olga Belichenko is the author of 165 publications, including such monographies as «Fiction Literature in Modern Informational Communicative Space», collective monography «Science of the Twenty First Century; Scientific Consolidation in the Conditions of Systemic Social Cultural Transformation and Person, Family and Society: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Harmonization of Interests. Monograph» (Opole, Poland).

In 2016 Olga Belichenko was a member of the editorial staff of the scientific journal of Opolsk State University (Opole, Poland) «Person, Family and Society: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Harmonization of Interests».

Olga Belichenko  takes an active part in International Scientific Conferences, in International Congress of  Literature Researcher « Literary  Science at the Modern stage: Theory. History of Literature. Creative Individualities» (2013, Hungry). «Person, Family and Society: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Harmonization of Interests» (Opole, Poland).

Olga Belichenko  is a constant participant of International Symposium «Social Communications: Innovational Strategies of Development»,  «Culture and Informational Society of the twenty first century», «Informational-Culturological Education: State and Perspectives», «Spiritual Culture in Informational Society» (Kharkov).

Nowadays Olga Belichenko is a member of the editorial staff of specialized scientific journal «Theoretical and Applied Problems of Modern Philology: Collection of Scientific Works» of the Philological Faculty of Donbass State Pedagogical University (Slaviansk).

The main perspectives of  Belichenko’s scientific research activity include History of Literature, Theory of Literature, Social Communications, Balconostics.

Olga Belichenko is a reviewer of the monography «Philosophy of Human Communication and Social Humanities of Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture of  Petr Vasilenko» by N. Moisejeva, a Candidate of Philosophy, an Associate Professor of the Department of UNESCO;  «Social Communicative Activity as Historical Social Practice», as well as of the monography «Communication in Library: Theoretical Methodological Analysis» by N.Grabar , a Candidate of Social Communications of Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture of Petr Vasilenko.

In 2016 Olga Belichenko was an official opponent at the presentation of O.Kucherova’s thesis «School Library in Formation of Education Communicative Space of Ukraine» for getting the degree of the Candidate in Social Communications in specialty 27.00.03 – «Bibliography, Library Science, Bibliography», as well as the presentation of the thesis «Humanistic Paradigm of  the Higher  Establishment  Libraries  Activity: Theoretical Methodological Basics of Development» by A.Kukharenko, for getting the degree of the Candidate in Social Communication in speciality 27.00.03 – «Bibliology, Library Science, Bibliography» in Specialized Academy Board D 64.807.02 in Kharkov State Academy of Culture.

Olga Belichenko was an official opponent of the Candidate and Doctoral theses presented by E.Ishutina: «Formation of  Lingua Methodological Competence of Ukrainian Teachers to be in Process of Professional Training» for getting the scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.04 – «Theory and Methodology of Professional Education», as well as E.Jaburova’s «Social-Pedagogical Providing of Intercultural-Communication of Ukrainian and Overseas Students» for getting the scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in  specialty 13.00.05 – «Social Pedagogics»; and I. Khyzhniak’s «Theory and Practice of Teachers to be Training of Primary School for Implementation of Techniques of Electronic Lingua Methodology in Professional Activity for getting the scientific degree of the Professor of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.04 – «Theory and Methodology of  Professional Education».

Olga Belichenko is a member of Specialized Board K 12.112.01 in presentations of Candidate (Doctoral) theses, in specialties: 13.00.05 – «Social Pedagogics» and 13.00.04 – «Theory and Methodology of Professional Education» at the State Higher Educational Establishment «Donbass State Pedagogical University» and a Specialized Board K 12.112.02 in presentation theses for getting the scientific degree of the Candidate of  Philosophy in specialties: 09.00.03 «Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History»  and 09.00.05 «History of Philosophy».

Olga Belichenko teachers the courses of History, Theory and Methodology of Mass Communications, Intercultural Communications in Professional Pedagogical Sphere, Discourse and Theory of Communications, History of  Ukrainian Literature, Modern Ukrainian Literature, Journalism Studies, Foreign Literature, Theory of Literature.

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