Бигалиев Айтхожа Бигалиевич

Personal Data:
Surname: Bigaliev
Other Names: Aitkhazha Bigalievich
Birth Date: December 25, 1942
Birth Place: Russian Federation
Nationality: Kazakh
Marital Status: married
Sex: Male
Languages: Kazakh, English, Russian
Academic Qualification:
Past and Present Jobs:
- 1969-1971- Scientific secretary of Institute experimental biology of Kazakh National Academy of Science (Almaty);
- 1971-1985 - Chief of biology and genetics department of Aktubinsk State Medical Institute of Kazakh public health ministry (Aktubinsk);
- 1985-1987 -Vice- President of Karaganda State University (Karaganda);
- 1987-1991 - President of Karaganda State University (Karaganda)
- 1991-2007 - Chief Ecology and Soil Department of Al-Faraby Kazakh National University,
- from 2007 year in present professor of department of Ecology and Botany.
general genetic and ecology, environmental sciences
Scientific activities :
- from 1994 Member of IUCN Commission of Environmental Education and Communication;
- from 1996 y. is held Visiting Professor of Middlesex University (London); Member of British Ecology Society
- from 1998 y. European Union Expert for evaluation of scientific proposals of ecology and genetic, which is submitted to INTAS and INCO-COPERNICUS founds for NIS
- 1993-1995 y-s - National collaborator of INTAS French - Kazakh scientific project “ Environment and health in Kazakhstan”
- 1995-1997 y-s - The collaborator of KNOW HOW FOUND British- Kazakh scientific project “Modern technology of water cleaning and water - supply”
- 1996-1997 y-s - Supervisor of scientific research program “Ecological evaluation of Tengizshevroil enterprise pollution effect on environment and biota”
- 1999 - 2004 y-s Supervisor of scientific research program “Ecology-economical evaluation of pollution effect from Mangistau oil producing area on environment and animal and plants genofounds”
8. 2006 – 2008 y-s Supervisor of scientific research program The study of xinobiotic effect of life activity of microbes, plants and animals to use new technology as bioindicators of destroyed ecosystem.
- 2009-2011 y-s Supervisor of scientific research program The evaluation of ecological effect of oil pollution on environment and biota
- The presentations on: “of APE International Radiological Post-Emergency Response Issues Conference”, November, Washington,1998; “I-st Int. Congr. On Petroleum Contaminated Soils,Sediments and Water.
- Analysis, Assessment and Remediation. 14-17 August, 2001, London, GB.; 6-th Assembly of Association of University of Caspian Region (ASUCR) “Improving organizational structure ASUCR and regulating the Educational, Research and Cultural Cooperation among members, 5-11 October, 2001. Resht, Iran;
- On I-st Int. Symposium “The European Union and the Caspian Region in Dialogue .- Sustainability Environmental Policy and Caspian Region Development. 11-13 March, 2002, Berlin, Germany; on “10 Int.
- Petroleum Environmental Conf. November, 11-14, Houston, Texas, USA “, International Workshop NATO ARW,”
- Environmental Security in Urban Settings”Athens, June 8-9, 2006,
- 5th International conference “Interfaces Against Pollution,” 2008, June 1-4 Kyoto, Japan carry out.
- Cytogenetic influence of the fraction radiation to the cells of the human embryonic fibroblast in tissue culture. Materials of the young scientist conference of the institute of the young scientists conference of the Instuttle of General Genetic of the Russian Sciences Academy of the USSR, Moscow, “Nauka”, 1997(in Russian)
- Study of chemical protection mechanism during X –radiation of the human embryonic fibroblast in culture of cells. News of the Science Academy of KazSSR, biology series, 1969 (in Russian)
- Bigaliev A.B. Ecologycal assessment of the impact of oil pollution on the soil of Tengiz deposit of Atyrau province// Workshop Ecological problems of Caspian sea and Ecology aducation in Caspian countries: Abstracts, comments, resolution. 18-20 November 1998 (Azerbaijan)- Baku, 1998. – P. 12-18/Co-autor: N.E. Ishanova
- Bigaliev A.B. Genetic effects of radiation and prognosis of inherited pathology of the population of the regions adjoining to the former Semipalatinsk nuclear tests side. / proceedings of the 1998 Int Radiobiological Post-Emergency raspose ISSUES? Sept. 9-11, 1998. Washington –P/ 3-9.
- Bigaliev A.B. The study of problems of Caspian Sea environmental protecting, including coastal zone under intensive oil exploration and production// 1-st Int Simp/ the Caspian Sea Region. Abstracts. – Berlin, 2002. – P. 40-41/ Co-autor A.A. Bigaliev
- Phitoremediation potential … for heavy metals contaminatied… Abstracts Int. Cobf., 7-12 November, Houston, 2003.
- The evaluation of genetic effects… "Advanced research workshop NATO programme security trough science"., Aphens, 7-9 June 2006, 15 p.
- Bigaliev A.B. and oth. Mutagenetic effects of radiation and prognosis of the inherited pathology of the population of the regions adjoining to the former Semipalatinsk nuclear tests side. /The materials of international conference of Genetics Society of China. Synzjan University. 25-27 August. 2007. P.148.
- Современное состояние и перспективы био-и фиторемедиации…// Биотехнология. Теория и практика, 2003. № 1.
- Принципы экологически безопасного водопользования в РК…// Материалы Межд. конф. науч.-практ. конф. 2006.
- Цитогенет. оценка загрязн...// Материалы 5-го съезда генетиков и селекционеров ВОГИС. М.: Наука.-2004.
- Анализ совремн. Сост. экообразования…// Матер. Межд. науч.-практ. конф. "Общество и экология", издю-во Казак Университет, 2004
- Цитоегентич. Оценка загрязн…//Материалы 5-го съезда генетиков и селекционеров ВОГИС. М.: Наука. – 2004.
- Природ. Попул. Растений и животных…//Тезисы докл. 3 межд. съезда ВОГИС, 6-12 июня, 2004. – Москва.
- Бигалиев А.Б., Бигалиев А.А. Проблема радиационного фона экосистем в Казахстане в условиях загрязнения природной среды. /Медицинский журнал. 2007. №7. С.11-16.
- Бигалиев А.Б. Фундаментальные знания – основа подготовки конкурентно-способных специалистов-экологов. /Материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции. 17-18 апреля. Атырау. 2007. С.7-13.
- Бигалиев А.Б., Шаймарданова Б.К. Жизнеспособность пыльцы Agropyron repens в условиях урбоэкосистемы. /Материалы II международной конференции «Современные проблемы геоэкологии и сохранения биоразнообразия. 18-21 сентября. Бишкек. 2007. С.27-31.
- Бигалиев А.Б., Тилекова Ж.Т. Экологическая оценка последствий деградации экосистем Или-Балхашского бассейна и пути сохранения биоразнообразия. /Материалы II международной конференции «Современные проблемы геоэкологии и сохранения биоразнообразия. Бишкек. 18-21 сентября. 2007. С.69-74.
- Bigaliev A.B. and oth. Mutagenetic effects of radiation and prognosis of the inherited pathology of the population of the regions adjoining to the former Semipalatinsk nuclear tests side. /The materials of international conference of Genetics Society of China. Synzjan University. 25-27 August. 2007. P.148.
- A.B.Bigaliyev, Zh.Daribaev, RK Bigaliyeva. and other
Natural populations of the plants and animals as test objects in ecological and generic assessment of STS biota and human population. The proceedings of international conference “The Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test-Site: radiation consequences and non-propagating problems.”, Kurchatov, 2003. 6 pages.(electronic book) - A.B.Bigaliyev, K.K. Bogusbaev, Sh.E. Arystanova, M.A. Zheksembekova
- Phytoremediation potential of Amaranthus sp. for heavy metals contaminated soils. The 4th Inernational Conference on Carpthian Euroregion Ecology CERECO”2003. Proceedings, Miscolc-Tapolca, Hungary, 2003. P.93-89.
- A.B.Bigaliyev. A.A.Bigaliyev
- The Proceedings of “International Petroleum Environmental conference” November, 2003, Houston, Texas. P. 19-21
- A.B.Bigaliyev, Zh.Daribaev, .A.A.Bigaliyev
- Genetic effects of radiation and prognosis of the pathology of the population of the regions adjoining to the former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test-Site. Electronic Journal of “Environmental Remediation of substantially polluted/hazardous sites, EHS“, USA, December, 2005.P. 73-81
- A.B.Bigaliyev, Zh. Daribaev, A. A. Bigaliyev G.B. Kundakbaeva, H. Isenov, E.Z.Bekishbekov, K.L. Atahanova
- The essessment of ecology- genetical consequences of chronic effect of radiation small doses on biota and public health. Astana medical journal, №3, 2005. P. 37-44
- Bigaliev A.B., Ishanova N.E., Zhanburshin E.T., Bigaliev A.A.,
- "The evaluation of genetic effects of SMS produced pollution on environment and public health in Kazakhstan",NATO ARW,Environmental Security in Urban Settings. Proceedings,Athens, June 8-9, 2006. 16 pages (electronic book)
- A.B Bigaliev., Z. M. Byjiasheva., K S. Коshkimbaev., T. P.Коstjuk., V. N. Shmakov., B.S.Zhantaev.
- Title The evaluation of ecological emergency of pollution effect on water biota of north part of Caspian sea. Reports of 4-th International scientific-practical conference «Heavy metalls and radionuclides on Environment», Semipalatinsk - Каzakhstan, 2006, v.1. P.8-16.
- A.B. Bigaliyev, A.A.Bigaliev
- The environment pollution and the problems of radiation genetic and ecology in Kazakhstan. Astana medical journal,special issue, 2007. P. 11-15.
- A.B. Bigaliyev, N.E.Ishanova, R.K.Bigalieva, E.T.Zhanburshin, A.A.Bigaliev
- The assessment of environmental pollution effects and consequences/ risk on biota and public health, A.B.Bigaliev,
- The Proceedings of XX International Genetic Congress, August, Berlin. 2008. Abstract, 1 page.
- A.A. Bigaliev, N.E. Ishanova, A.B.Bigaliev
- Ecological assessment of oil-gas producing area in the Kazakhstan zone of Caspian sea SEA
- and using the bioremediation technology for cleaning of high level oil polluted sites
- The Proceedings 5th International Conference “Interfaces Against Pollution 2008 1-4 June, Kyoto,
- Japan”. Abstracts. P. 212.
Monographs and handbooks
- Genetical effects of metal ions. – Alma-ata: Nauka, 1986. – P.136 .
- Genetic and environment. –Publisher Karaganda State University, 1989. – P.114 /co-autor. S.K.Abilev /
- Question of genotype and ecological effects on life activity of organisms.// Publisher: Karaganda State University, Karaganda c. 1989. – P.118 .
- Question of election and introduction of plants of Central Kazakhstan // Publisher: Karaganda State University, Karaganda c. 1988. – P.131 .
- Environment and biodiversity conservation. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2005. – P.348.
- General ecology foundations – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2007. – P.168.