Tileuova Saulesh – Associate Professor of "General Pedagogy"

Scientific title: Ph.D.

Degree: Associate Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization.

Disciplines: General pedagogics, Pedagogy, Didactics, Ethno pedagogics, Higher School Pedagogy (lecture).

Direction of research:

Questions to prepare professionals and educators

The usage of electronic textbooks, multimedia and digital interactive methods in teaching process.

Major works:

Textbook «Жоғары мектеп педагогикасы»;

Four electronic textbook: «Жалпы педагогика», «Жоғары мектеп педагогикасы», «Педагогика тарихы», «Этнопедагогика»

Obtained the relevant certificates and introduced into the learning process, author of many guidelines.
