By Абжаханов Айдар Кенжетаевич on 13.08.2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Name: Aidar Abzhakhanov

Education: The N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory. Russia.

Qualification: Opera-Symphonic conducting- studied at famous school of conductors named after Ilya Mussin.

Work experience: 2000 – 2013 National theatre of opera and ballet

2002 – Astana philharmonic orchestra

2013 – Astana Opera

Held position: Conductor of symphonic orchestra

                 Conductor director of:

Igor Stravinsky, Claude Debussy, Leonard Bernstein – one act ballets (2003)

Peter Tchaikovsky “Nutcracker” (2004)

Leo Delibes “Coppelia” (2005)

  1. Chopin, R. Schumann, A. Borodin – Fokin ballets (2006)

Ludwig Minkus “La Bayadere” (2007)

Peter Ludwig Hertel “La fille mal gardee” (2008)

Adolphe Adam “La Corsaire” (2009)

Herman Severin Lovenskiold “La Silphide” (2011)

Cesare Pugni “La Esmeralda” (2012)

Peter Tchaikovsky “The sleeping beauty” (2013)

Sergey Prokofiev “Romeo and Juliet” (2013)

Aram Khachaturian “Spartacus” (2014)

Peter Tchaikovsky “Swan Lake” (2014)

Boris Asafiev “The fountain of the Bakhchisaray” (2015)

In the repertoire: Minkus “Don Quixote”, Pugni “Giselle”, Gounod “Walpurgisnacht”; Verdi, Puccini, Wagner, Mozart operas.

Symphonic repertoire – Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Mahler, Bruckner symphonies.

Personal qualities: high professionalism, a responsibility, purposefulness, quickly finds conduct with orchestra musicians, sociability.

Rewards: Honorer  des arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Collaborated with such a world known artist as Montserrat Caballe, Placido Domingo, Yuri Grigorovich, Zoltan Pesko, Krzysztov Pendercki,  Ezio Frigerio, Franca Squarciapino, Sergey Vikharev, Valery Gergiev, Salvador Mas Conde.

Performed at famous world stage such as Carnegia Hall New York, Mariinsky Theatre, Genoese Theatre Carlo Felice, Salla Gaveau Paris. Passed an internship at the theatre of La Scala Milan.

Native  Language  : Kazakh, Russian

Language : English