Svetlana Andreevna Arystambaeva was born  on March 23, 1972 in Zholymbet, Shortandy, Tselinograd region. Nationality - Ukrainian, in 1988 graduated from the Novoselovka high school with a medal.


In 1993 she graduated from the Tomsk State University, specialty: philosopher, philosophy teacher.

In 2004 she graduated from the Academy of Financial Police summa cum laude, specialty: lawyer, an interrogator of economic specialization.

In December 22, 2006 successfully defended her thesis on the topic "Social and philosophical analysis of the nature and characteristics of justice" in dissertation council at the Eurasian National University. Supervisor - Doctor of Philosophy, professor, academician of NAS RK Nurmanbetova Jamila Nusupzhanovna.

In 2015 she graduated from the magistracy of the Moscow Modern Humanitarian Academy, specialty: Master of Law

Honorary Worker of the Financial Police Academy (2011).

Retired lieutenant colonel of financial police (2014).

Member-observer of Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (2014).

Member of the Board of Trustees of Transparency Kazakhstan (2016).


S.A. Arystambaeva in 1993-1999 worked as a teacher, senior lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of Akmola Medical Academy. During this period her first articles, research reports, books were published. Head of the department was Sanitskaya Lubov, PhD, associate professor.

Svetlana Andreevna worked faultlessly in the Financial Police Academy since its foundation in August 1999, as the senior teacher acting Chief (Head) of the department, senior researcher, scientific secretary, deputy head of the Academy (Vice Rector) on the organization of scientific research and international cooperation, retired as a lieutenant colonel of financial police, the general length of service in law enforcement - 23 years.

During this period Zh.M.Abdildin, B.A.Suleymenov, M.Sh.Hasanov, M.Ch.Kogamov, R.Tleuhan, A.A.Smagulov, S.S. Moldabaev and other well-known people were spiritual, intellectual and professional mentors of Svetlana Andreevna.

At the present time, S.A. Arystambaeva works at the Department of Philosophy of one of the best university in Kazakhstan - Eurasian National University. Head of the Department - Garifolla Esіm, the Doctor of Philosophy, professor, academician of NAS RK.

Total continuous teaching experience of S.A. Arystambaeva is 23 years, she teaches further disciplines, "Philosophy", "Logic", "Sociology", "Politics", "Religion", "Fundamentals of Modern Natural Science", "Philosophical problems of justice", "Fundamentals of World Religions", "Professional ethics" "cultural Studies", "History and philosophy of science", "Philosophical problems of study and formation of sense of justice", "Philosophy of film", "Eastern philosophy", "Methods of teaching philosophy," "The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on culture", "Ontology, dialectics epistemology "," Theory of mass culture" and other self-developed author's courses.

Also conducts lectures, seminars, trainings, "Psychology", "Conflict", "Teambuilding", "Anti-corruption" and other refresher courses. In the last 7 years, she pays special attention on the subject of combating corruption, preparing a lot of teaching materials, and releasing them in an easy to use mass forms (flyers, tutorials, presentations, etc.). Repeatedly made anti-corruption initiatives and proposals at the national level.

Constantly improving her skills, S.A. Arystambaeva is permanent active participant in the Summer schools and universities, international and national conferences and symposiums. She has 37 certificates of the increasing educational and professional qualifications, including 7 in English.

She made a significant contribution on the educational, scientific, organizational, cultural activities development of higher education institutions. Scientific scope of S.A. Arystambaeva is philosophy, pedagogy, legal, project management, combating corruption and crime prevention. She has more than 90 publications, totaling more than 130 conventional printed pages (2,500 pages). She is the author of 11 books on the problems of philosophy and pedagogy, written in Kazakh and Russian.

She has experience of realized research in the field of HR, she has participated in the implementation of joint projects with companies "Enhancer" (Sweden); "Deloitte" (UK); Isaac Adizes Institute (USA and others.), The Union of project managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, HCM & CC (Kazakhstan) and others.

S.A. Arystambaeva always actively involves in public life, she was a member of the Association of Young Scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Council of young scientists and specialists, the Secretary of the Officers Council, chairman of the women's council of the Financial Police Academy. Also she was a chairman of the Commission on the development of the state language, to ensure secrecy, the selection of public administration employees, the disciplinary committee. Constantly she participates and organizes participation in the development and updating of the Statutes, the Concept of development, Operational plans and other planning and reporting documents of High schools.

At the same time, S.A. Arystambaeva performed executive secretary, deputy chief editor of the scientific journal "Journal of Financial Police Academy" since it opened until it is closed. Senior Consultant informational and educational magazine "Anti-corruption policy", the opening of which has made great efforts.

She is fluent in Russian and Kazakh languages, at school and university she used to study German, and now doing her best in English.

She was awarded 9 certificates, diploma, breast signs "5 years of the Academy of  Financial Police" (2004), "15 years of the financial police bodies" (2009), "20 years of the financial police bodies" (2014), medals "15 years of the Academy of  Financial Police " (2014), "For contribution to law enforcement" (2014), "Specialist  class mentor 1st " (2007).