Candidate of Philology, Docent


Gulnara Azhibekova was born on May 9, 1952. In 1973 she graduated from Almaty Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, the English Language faculty (APIFL).

After graduating from the Institute Gulnara Dzh. Azhibekova worked as a methodologist, then Head of Foreign Languages cabinet of Almaty Oblast Teachers Development Institute.

From 1974 till 1980 she did a full-time Postgraduate Courses at the Department of the English Language Grammar. After finishing the Courses, from 1980 till 1991 she worked at the Institute of Linguistics of the KazSSR.Academy of Sciences.

From 1980 till 1981 G. Azhibekova worked on probation at the Institute of Linguistics of the USSRAcademy of Sciences (Moscow). In 1983 Gulnara Azhibekova defended the thesis for a Candidate of Philological Sciences degree.

After successful thesis defense she worked as a Head of the World Languages Department at the “World Economic Relations“ faculty of T. Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University.

Under her supervision the “Language and Culture” Centres (of English, German, French, Korean, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese and other languages) have been opened.

G.Azhibekova repeatedly went abroad to English-speaking countries on study leave.

From 2002 till 2011 Gulnara Azhibekova worked as a Head of the Foreign Languages Department of K. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, from October 2011-Docent of Foreign languages Department of KazNTU.

G. Azhibekova carries on serious scientific research and educational and methodological work. Her scientific interests include problems of general linguistics, Turkic and Germanic languages comparative analysis, lexicology, compiling bilingual and explanatory dictionaries. She is the author of more than 30 scientific articles. She has collected material and published educational and methodological supplies, monographs and the English language teaching aid for technical specialties students.

On Gulnara Azhibekova’s own initiative the cooperation with international educational organizations and Embassies of Great Britain, the USA, France, Germany, Italy, Spain in the RK and the Arabic Cultural Centre has been established. With her direct participation, the British Council, the Anglo-American Fund in RK, “Global Source Net” American Educational Centre, ”Humanitarian and Cultural Development” American Agency, the US Embassy Information Service (USIS), the USA Agency of International Development (USAID), the “ Partners in Education “ American Educational Company, the USA Embassy Peace Corps , the “Al Ramin” British Educational Centre , “McMillan“ and others have been got into contact with.

One result of no small importance of such cooperation results is the establishment of the Department’s Small Book Fund, which includes scientific, educational and methodological, belles-lettres and periodical literature, and upgrading material and technical basis improvement free of charge.

Under the supervision results of G. Azhibekova the system of training specialists with the knowledge of the English language with the participation of Foreign Languages Department lecturers and native speakers of English from foreign educational organizations has been put right. She participated in forming experimental groups in oil and gas, information technologies, economics and business specialities, where training starts from the first course in the English language; by her active support students teaching at Cyprian American university was conducted.

From 2002 till 2011 G. Azhibekova was in charge of Evening English Language Courses in 6 language levels for students, master’s students, lecturers and university staff with the participation of specialists from foreign educational centers.

Thanks to G. Azhibekova’s initiative activity and under her leadership the unique program of language training of specialists is functioning – summer courses for students and master’s students within the framework of “Inter-Varsity“ International Lingua-Cultural Program with the participation of foreign experts from Oxford university and leading universities of Netherlands and Canada. Annually 40 students of KazNTU take part in this program free of charge. This lingua-cultural program gives the opportunities for its participants not only to improve the knowledge of the English language, but get to know to introduce with culture, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries, reveal their creative activity.

Within the limits of the additional strategic partnership agreement between K. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University and Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University concluded on G. Azhibekova’s own initiative, on November 2010 under her guidance the first International Scientific and Practical Seminar on the theme: “Foreign Language Training of a Technical HEI’s Student” was held. The aim of the International Scientific and Practical seminar was the exchange of foreign languages lecturers practice in methods and ways of teaching process organization and introduction of modern technologies in foreign language teaching practice: multimedia teaching programs, electronic resources, and lecturers’ professional competence upgrading.

Under Gulnara Azhibekova’s direct leadership in 2011 the first International Internet-Olympiad in the professional-oriented English language among technical students of CIS countries was held; the initiator and one of the founders of it was the Department headed by her. 500 students from 16 HEIs of Kazakhstan and Russia took part in it. One of three winners was a student of K.Satpayev KazNTU.

G. Azhibekova is a member of the Institute of Basic Education Academic Council, a member of Abylaikhan KazUIRWL the EMA of non-linguistic HEIs of RK regions, she is in charge of the Anglo- American Centre, the English Language Clubs, Courses and International Summer Courses for students and the “ Global Source Net” lecturers with the participation of foreign experts as well.

G. Azhibekova is a correspondent member of International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences, rewarded with “For Services in Education” international medal and the KazNTU “For Distinguished Services”medal.