By Тлесбаев Данияр Салимович on 23.11.2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Daniyar Tlesbayev was born on July 16, 1980, in Alma-Ata city, Kazakh SSR.

In 1997, he entered the faculty of law, Al-Farabi KazNU. In 2001 he was awarded bachelor of civil law degree followed by the master degree program entry, including further defense of master’s thesis on ecological and natural resources law (thesis adviser: Baideldinov D. L., professor, Doctor of Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Al-Farabi KazNU).

Since 2001, he has been participating in international commercial projects, and in projects aimed at developing certain sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan. For instance, Daniyar was involved in a global project designed to have the Republic of Kazakhstan funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as in the European Union’s TACIS (Technical Assistance for the Commonwealth of Independent States) project designed to assist in judicial reforms of the Kazakhstan notarial system.

Since 2011, he has been supporting social programs aimed at developing the social infrastructure of South Kazakhstan oblast.

Daniyar started his career in 2001 when he joined Nedra Consulting Center that had a team of geological, environmental and judicial/legal specialists. The team has been posed a challenge to support and comprehensively assist in establishing and rapidly developing subsoil use in Kazakhstan.

In 2006, Daniyar joined a corporative legal division of a wide range Kazakhstani holding. Its key scope of activity included global design engineering of oil and gas facilities, as well as ownership of vessels rendering services to oil and gas operations within the Kazakhstani sector of Caspian Sea (Kashagan oilfield).

In 2011, Daniyar Tlesbayev joined a team of Uranium One, the global international company, carrying out uranium exploration and uranium production activities within the territory of three continents, namely Eurasia (Kazakhstan), North America (the USA) and Africa (Tanzania), as head of legal department to settle corporate issues of the Company in the territory of Kazakhstan.

In 2016, Daniyar Tlesbayev was appointed as head of compliance function in the Kazakhstan Branch Office of Uranium One for solving challenges associated with cultural transformation of attitude and behavior of mining companies towards HSE maintained in operations, and practices for preventing negative events, implementation of compliance methods as a normal practice that is needed nowadays to meet regulatory requirements and corporate values, as well as for implementing risk management mechanisms.