By Бакиров Келес Капашулы on 20.12.2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Bakirov Keles Kapashuly, 1939 date of birth, candidate of technical Sciences, specialty 05.23.01 – "Construction, buildings and structures", academician of the International Informatization Academy.

Basic education – Civil engineer (Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, 1964).

From 1966 to 1982 he worked in the scientific research and design Institute "Kazakh PromstroyNIIproekt" engineer, senior engineer, junior scientific staff member, senior scientific member, head of sector, head of laboratory Department, head of Department.

From November 1982 to 2012 worked in AACI-KazGASA as an assistant Professor, head of the Department of building structures, Deputy Dean of construction faculty, Professor, associate and academic Professor.

Since 2012 worked as an assistant Professor, an associate Professor of the Department "Technology of construction and design of buildings" at Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, and in May 2012 was elected to the post of associate Professor of the Department "Construction" of the Institute "Architecture and construction" of KazNTU.

115 educational-methodical and scientific works in the Kazakh and Russian languages were published. Textbook "Metal kuraldary" was first published in the state language for students of higher educational institutions, specializing in "Construction". The co-author of one author's certificate of the USSR.

He has supervised master students on the specialty "Construction".

Lectures for undergraduate and graduate students in a cycle of specialized disciplines, directs the scientific work of masters.

His scientific directions of work of the compressed reinforced concrete elements with transverse reinforcement and the use of waste phosphorus production in construction.

In 2012 was elected as a full member of the International Informatization Academy (IIA).

Scientific and pedagogical activity of associate Professor Bakirov Keles Kapashuly awarded by many diplomas and certificates, awarded the title "honored worker of education of RK".