Last name, first name, middle name (Eng.): Kozybakova Fatyma Akynbaykyzy. Date of Birth: January 30, 1957.

1.Place of the main/basic work: Department of History of Kazakhstan of the Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Position: Professor, Department of History of Kazakhstan.
2. Higher education: S.M.Kirov KazSU, Department of History, specialty: historian, year of graduation: 1979
3. Scientific degree: Cand. of the History Sci., 16.05.1997. Protocol #3 HAC MES of RK.
Specialty: 21.09.2001 - History, protocol #12 by the decision of the Presidium of HAC of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Code of the Committee for Control of Education the of MES of RK (HAC): 07.00.02 – Domestic History. Data of award: the16 May 1997, K #0003134.
4.Scientific title: - Docent, specialty - History, code of the Committee for Control of Education of MES of RK HAC. Date of assignment – the 21 September, 2001.
5. I was elected as a full member of the International Academy of Informatization. Date of assignment – the 31 May, 2013, an academician of the International Academy of Informatization. Code of a diploma #1435 RK.
6. In 2013 I was awarded the academic title of professor of the history of Kazakhstan.
7.Theme of the Candidate dissertation: “Kazakhstan Aul sharuashylygyndagy" kanaushy taptardy "zhane zhekesheler kozhalyktaryn zhoyu: Tarihi saldarlary (1925-1933)”.
8.Work experience: from 1979-1989. teacher of the secondary school №136 Almaty, 1990-1992. – an aspirant of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since 1992-1998 – Assistant, Lecturer. 1998-2000. - Senior teacher. Since 2000 – Docent of the Chair New and Newest History of Kazakhstan, 2000-2001. - Deputy dean of upbringing work. 2001-2002. - Head of the Chair "Modern and Contemporary History of Kazakhstan"; 2002-2004. - Doctoral student of KazNU. At present – Professor of the Chair of history of Kazakhstan. Total work experience - 33 years.
9. Publications (number of works, including inventions, monographs): There were published more than 100 scientific papers, including 2 monographs, 2 teaching aids, 12 manuals in Kazakh and Russian languages, more than 6 publications in foreign countries.
10. Area of science and technology, in which you can work as an expert (with encrypted codes by HAC): 07.00.02 – Domestic History; 07.00.09 - Historiography, source and methods of historical research; 07.00.03 –World history; 07.00.07-Ethnology
11. Experience of an expert work (subject, level, years): twice was an expert of tests KTGA of the National Testing Center of MES of RK, Almaty (10-15.12.2009 and 16-25.04.2011); since 2003 - Developer and annual participation in the examination test questions for the final state control on discipline “History of Kazakhstan” for graduates of the specialties: 07.00.03 - World history; 07.00.02- Domesticl history; 07.00.07-ethnology. 07.00.09 -Historiography, source and methods of historical research.
12. Membership in the Academies and other public organizations: I was elected a full member of the International Academy of Informatization.
13. International contacts: were made business trips to foreign countries:
1. The Conference «Ataturk Teacher Training Academy Levkosa, North Cyprus» in Cyprus (13-15.02.13).
2. The Conference «World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference» Paris, France (27-28.06.13.).
  4. «TC MIMAR SINAN GUZEL SANATLAR UNIVERSITESI» Istanbul, Turkey (16-19 .03.12g.)
5.Internship (exchange of experience): «Hacettepe Universitesi Ataturk Ilkeleri ve Inkilap Tarihi Enstitusu» Ankara, Turkey (12 -20.02.13).
6. Internship (exchange of experience): Berlin, Germany (30.06- 09.07.13g.)


Main Scientific works:

  1. Russification Policies in the Education System in Turkestan (Lefkosa, Cyprus)
  2. Integration of Higher Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan National Innovation Systems (Lefkosa, Cyprus)
  3. Theoretical Aspects of Russification Policies of the Russian Empire in Turkestan in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century (Issue 78, June 2013 Paris)                      
  4. Carlik rusyasi’nin TURKISTAN siyaseti (Yedikita 56-63 c) (Istanbul, Turkey). 
  5. 1920-30’lu yillar arasinda TURKISTAN ve toprak sorunlari (The pursuit of history) (Konya, Turkey).
  6. Command-Administrative System in Kazakhstan in the Postwar Period:
    The Characteristic and Features of the Functioning. World Applied Sciences Journal 29 (8): 1082-1086, 2014. ISSN 1818-4952 © IDOSI Publications, 2014. (THOMSON REUTERS).