Kulmamirov Serik


Kulmamirov Serik, was born on May 26, 1956 in the village to Hens, the Chilik-sky area, Almaty region. Nationality: Kazakh.

My relationship status: I am married, 2 children, Kulmamirov Rabiga's wife of Musalimovn – 1962; the daughter Marzhan – 1985; the son Malik – 1989.

From 1963 to 1973 I studied at 10-year boarding school No. 2 of Alma-Ata.

With 1973 on 1978 I was the student of the Kazakh polytechnical institute, faculty of Automatic equipment and control systems, the Automatic equipment chairs and telemechanics. The institute finished successfully and gained the diploma of the higher education as an electrical engineer.

From 1978 to 1980 the radiotekhnika of troops of antiaircraft defense of the country on electronics, radio engineering and radar stations (radar) served in armed forces of the USSR as the qualified specialist of officers.

After a transfer to the reserve from 1980 to 1986 I worked at the Kazakh polytechnical institute on chair of Automatic equipment and telemechanics as the junior scientific employee and the assistant.

In 1987 for 2 years by the Ministry of the higher education it was directed on chair of Automatic equipment of the Moscow power institute as the trainee-researcher. By results of a successful completion of training and achievement of research results on the automated systems of scientific researches I came to postgraduate study of MEI. In 1991 I defended the master's thesis in the Academic Council of MEI on the subject "Development of an Automated Workplace of the Researcher of Control Systems".

From 1991 to 1995 I worked as the senior teacher at the Kazakh polytechnical institute at chair of Automatic equipment and telemechanics.

From 1995 to 1999 I worked in the Legprom scientific and technical engineering center (STEC) of the RK Engineering Academy, I was the initiator of opening as a part of Engineering academy Tauar LLP where for the first time in Kazakhstan were created information center, ispytatlyeny laboratories and the certified centers for certification of tvoar of national consumption. Vozlavlyal of activity of the Center of certification of production of light industry, Information center, NTITs "Legprom".

From 1999 to 2001 I passed into structure of the Ministry of Economics, the industry, transport and communication. I began work in the State information center of standards of Gosstandart of RK in positions of the chief specialist, head of department, head of department, deputy director also the director of GITS. I took part in a dislocation of the state enterprises and Gosstayendart's oragnization of RK to Astana.

Since 2001 it was invited to work in JSC Natsionalnye informatsionnye tekhnologii of National Bank of Kazakhstan, the department director worked in positions of the chief specialist, head of department.

From 2003 to 2007 I worked in RGKP "National Center of the State Standards of Education and Testing" of MAUN RK as the manager of scientific and methodical laboratory "Central Telecommunication Hub of the RK MAUN Network".

Since 2008 to the present I work at the Euroasian national university of L. N. Gumilev as the associate professor of the Automation chairs and management, Computer facilities, Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunication, the manager of the international laboratory "Center NI LabVIEW", the director of the educational and laboratory center of a physics and technology profile of physics and technology faculty.

In the period of work constantly I worked on increase of level of the qualification and I have the following documents:

- 1987, professional development at the Moscow machine-tool constructing institute at the rate "Use of Robotic Systems and Industrial Robots", the certificate No. 245;

- 1999, professional development in Academy of certification and quality systems at Gosstandart of the Russian Federation at the rate "Expert-auditor in Certification of Production (Services)".

- 2002, professional development in Academy of standardization, metrology and certification of the Russian Federation at the rate "Expert-auditor of Certification of Software".

- 2005, professional development in the National center of the state standards of education and MAUN RK'S testing at the rate "Development of Test Tasks on Uniform Testing of the Trained";

- 2007, professional development in the Kazakhstan branch of the Japanese center of quality (Almaty) at the rate "General Quality Management (Total Quality Management)".

- 2013, professional development in the Russian branch of the American company "National instruments" (Moscow) at the rate "Graphic Software of NI LabVIEW Core 1 & Core2".

I maintain the qualification in the following scientific directions: information technologies, the radio technician, the electronic engineer and telecommunications, safety of information systems, information security, computer facilities and the software, automation and management, industrial control system, the theory of automatic control, creation of terminological dictionaries in the Kazakh language.

I am fond computer, network and the Internet of technologies, scientific of the edition on equipment and new technologies, music.

Native and Russian I use masterfully, I read English and I transport with the dictionary. I know programming languages: Visual Basic, C ++, Java, Phyton, Multisim, LabVIEW, MATLAB, OrCAD, MatchCad, Xiling.

I support an active position to work on the specialty in the organization with good prospects where would be shown independence, skill to communicate, responsibility, efficiency, use of electronic document flow and management of projects.