By Исаева Кулмараш Раматуллакызы on 04.02.2015
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Kulmarash R.Issayeva

Date of Birth:

8th of November 1959


Associate Professor of Pedagogics – Astana, 2006

PhD - Moscow, 1993

B.A., Mechanics,Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (former Kirov Kazakh State University) – 1981

Scientific direction and area of ​​specialization:

Professional pedagogy, theory and methodology of professional education, theory and practice of training for the profile of the school, the organization of school education

Teaching courses:

Organization of Special Education ofstudents Basic research in vocational pedagogy, Fundamentals of modern manufacturing, The branch of materials science and technology of construction materials


2006 -2009 - Headof Department of Mechanical Engineering

E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University

2000 - Head of Department of DTD and logistics

E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University

1998 - Associate Professor of department of DTD and logistics

E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University

1990-1993 –Work on dissertation for academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Russian Academy of Education,Institute of professional self-determination of youth, Moscow

1981-1998 - Head of the department of technical disciplines

University ofZhezkazgan

Training of the teaching staff:

2 Candidates of pedagogical sciences (Myrzabaev A.B., 18.02.2004, Manabaeva A.S. 30.04.2004)

4 Master of pedagogy (Baijumanova N.K., Uktaeva L., Naphthalene S., KurymbaevaS.G.)

Number of publications:

104 scientific and educational publications, including 4 monographs, 3 manuals, guidelines, 4certificates on the subject of intellectual property, 1 automated training program and 3 e-books

Major scientific works:

- Priority areas of education development in Kazakhstan. Pedagogy. - M.: 2008 - № 4. - P.108-111

- Dialectics of vocational and educational training for the profile of the school. Board of Directors. - M.: 2008 - № 5. - S. 90 - 94

- The use of information technology in the study of arts and crafts. Innovative technologies in shaping the current technology competencies of teachers and educators vocational teacher education. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Moscow State Pedagogical University 4 - February 5, 2008. - M.: Publishing house «Eslan», 2008. - P.115-122

- Educational training for the profile of the school. Innovation technologies in shaping the current competencies of teachers of technology and professional pedagogical education. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Moscow State Pedagogical University 4 - February 5, 2008. - M.: Publishing house «Eslan», 2008. - P.144-148 (co-authored Manabaeva AS, Shraymanova GS)

- Professional and technological preparation of engineers / /Messendger of Karaganda University.Pedagogy series.: - 2007. - № 1 (45.) - BA-33-36 (co-authored Bakey DK)

- Ulttykkәsіbisauattymamandarқalyptastyrumіndetі. / / Messenger of International Kazakh-Turkish University of K.A. Yassaui. Series of social sciences. - 2007. - № 3 (62). - B.170-175

- The role of information technology education in engineering and technological training of future mechanical engineers / / Recent scientific comprehension LBD: Proceedings of the International scientific practical conference (March 17-25, 2010.) - Sofia «Byal GRAD-BG» in 2010. - P.97-100.

- Computer-aided design in the organization of independent work of students of engineering specialties. / / «Naukowaprzestrzeceuropy - 2010»: Materialy VI miedzynarodowejnaukowi-praktycznejkonferencji (07-15 kwietnia 2010 roku) - PrzemyslNauka I studia, 2010. - C.35-38.

- Competence of vocational and educational training for the profile of the school / / Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Pedagogyseries.: - 2012. - № 2 (66). - P.37-44

- Content of training for profile school with regional needs for teachers / / Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Pedagogyseries.: - 2012. - № 3 (67). - P.24-29

Implementation of funded research initiatives:

Scientific director of the research project entitled «Modernization of vocational and educational training for the profile of the school» performed within the state order of the budget program 014 «Applied research in the field of education» in 2006 - 2008

Scientific director of the research project «The Theory and Practice of Training for the profile of the school», FGAOU Institution «Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University» A comprehensive program of research «Development of vocational teacher education: research and innovation framework (2011- 2015)».