Golovchun Aleftina Anatolievna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Language Education Methodology at the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages with  experience of 25 years. I am the winner of the “Best Teacher of the Year” (2016) awarded by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I began my pedagogical activity in 1995 as an assistant of English Language Department at KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan. In 2000, I became a full-time teacher of the Department of English Language at the same university. In 2007, I received the degree of “Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences”. Since 2010, I have been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Language Education Methodology. In 2015, I got the title of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Language Education Methodology at the KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan.


1995 -1999 - Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, specialty - English Language. Qualification - English Language Teacher of Secondary School.

1999-2002 - Almaty University of Technology and Business. Specialty - Finance and Credit. Qualification - Economist.

2006-2008 - Multidisciplinary Institute "Parasat". Specialty - 050503 "Psychology". Qualification is a social psychologist.

2012-2014 - University of Turan. Master of Social Sciences, specialty 6M050400 Journalism.



  1. Golovchun, Cognitive procedures as an instrument of translation process analysis // XLinguae. – 2016. – V.9. – Iss. 4, - P.P. 9-24.
  2. Golovchun, Dualistic representations in Kazakh fairy tales // Man in India. – 2017. – Vol.97. – Iss. 21. – P.P. 345-354.

The contribution of world literature’s rhymes to foreign language acquisition// Man in India. – 2017. – Vol.97. – Iss. 21. – P.P. 367-379.

  1. Golovchun, Content and language integrated learning in terms of multilingualism: Kazakhstani experience // Astra Salvensis. – 2017. – Vol. 5 – Iss. 10. – P.P. 297-306.

Contemporary Methodology of Teaching Kazakh Language in Russian-speaking Groups of Students, // Astra Salvensis, (2017), Supplement no. 1, P.P. 241-249.