By Аюпова Зауре Каримовна on 10.12.2015
Category: Дополнительные материалы

Curriculum Vitae



2011- until now   Professor of the Chair of International law of the Department of International

                             relations of Kazakh national university named after Al-Farabi





The Head of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of the department of the international relations and jurisprudence of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor

The senior lecturer of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of law department of Almaty State University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The senior teacher of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of law department of Almaty State University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1991- 1992

Candidate of Law Sciences, Almaty State University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan

1988- 1991

Probation student at Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov


1981- 1986

Research student at Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov

Diploma (Lawyer), Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov


2011-2015Professor of Kazakh British Technical University, Almaty

2013-2014     Professor of Suleiman Demirel University, Kaskelen

2012-2013    Professor of School of Law, Kimep, Almaty

1994-2011The Head of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of the

                       department of the international relations and jurisprudence of Kazakh National                                                                                             Pedagogical University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan                          


Senior lecturer, Almaty State University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Lawyer, the assistant of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of law department of Almaty State University named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan


1997 –1998

Visiting researcher, University of Kentucky (Lexington), USA Fulbright Program


Visiting Scholar, TACIS-TEMPUS for the experts from Kazakhstan in the field of education in Italy (Louigi Bocconi, Milan Universities) and Germany (Bonn, Trier, Hannover, Berlin Universities)

March- April 1994-1995

Visiting Scholar, TACIS-TEMPUS for the experts from Kazakhstan in the field of education in Great Britain (Sheffield, Manchester Universities, Iton College)

July- August 1993

Visiting Scholar, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale), USA













International conference. Аdolph Yanushkevich about the Kazakh judges court. Poland. Warsaw. Project participant.

International conference. Twenty years experience of the creation of independent law-abiding state in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. KIMEP. Project participant.

International conference. The women’s rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan: the modern view on the problem. Turkey. Antalya. Project participant.

International conference The building of law-abiding state in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the constitutional legality. Astana. Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Project participant.

International conference. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and problems of the modernization of the legal system. Astana. Eurasian University named after L.N.Gumilev. Project participant.

International conference. The role of the family values in the forming of the civil society in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Russia federation. Tverskoy State University. Project participant.


International conference. The supreme role of the Constitution and the law: their role in the structuring on the legal system. Almaty. Kazakh humanitarian Law University. Project participant.


International conference. The national legal systems of Central Asia in the period globalization and regional integration. Dushanbe. Tajikistan. Project participant.


International conference. The problems of the forming of the legal culture from the point of the creation of the legal system. Almaty. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Executive manager.


International conference. The legal supplement of the sharing of the new technologies of education in the West European Countries and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. Fulbright Association. Project participant.


International conference. The modern tendencies of the forming of the national legal system in the Republic if Kazakhstan. Almaty. Kazakh Institution of Jurisprudence and the international relations. Project participant.




March, 2015

Workshop “The human rights in the changing world”. Antalya, Turkey

April, 2014

Workshop “Central and Eastern European in Perspective”. Indiana. Bloomington (USA)

August, 2013

Workshop. Series of workshops: “Training of Trainers”. Tulsa. Oklahoma. (USA)

May, 2012

Workshop. Fulbright Alumni in Kazakhstan- where we have been. Where we are going. USAID, Kazakhstan

August, 2011


June, 2010

July, 2009

Workshop. “The experience of the Italian Universities on the field of higher education”. Milan. Italy.


Workshop. “The modern technologies in the higher education”. Berlin. Germany.

Summer School of Law. Carbondale, Illinois (USA).



6.      TEACHING COURSES (for the last 5 years)

1.      Criminal Law (English)

2.      Criminal Procedure (English)

3.      Banking Law (English)

4.      Intellectual Property (English)

5.      Business Law (English)

6.      Civil Law(English)

7.      Civil Procedure (English)

8.      Constitutional Law (English)

9.      Theory of the state and law (English)

10.  History of the state and law in the Republic of Kazakhstan (English)

11.  History of the state and law in the foreign countries (English)

12.  Foundation of Law (English)

13.  Comparative Law (English)

14.  Administrative Law (English)

15.  European Law (English)



IELTS, score-7.0 British Council


TOEFL, score-560, USA Embassy in Kazakhstan for Fulbright Program






Power Point



  1. 9. REFERENTS:
  2. Alan J.DeYoung, Professor, Educational Policy studies and Evaluation, University of Kentucky, College of Education, Lexington, KY, USA, 40506-0001, E-mail: alandeАдрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
  3. William Fierman, Professor, Director for Inner Asian and Uralic National Resource Center, Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University. Goodbody Hall 157. Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 47405-2401, E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
  4. Charles E.Ziegler, Professor, University of Louisville, Department of Political Science. Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 40292, E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
  5. Paola Biolly, Professor, Department of Political Science, Bocconi University; Via Bocconi 8 - 20136 Milano, Italy, Phone (+3902) 5836-1 secretariat, -6501 direct; fax (+3902) 5836-6832, E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
  6. Luis Kerr, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of England Consortium for International activities, Sheffield, Great Britain, S 102TB, Tel.:(0114) 272 6661
  7. John Padley, Professor, Chairman, University of England Consortium for International activities, Sheffield, Great Britain, S 102TB, Tel.:(0114) 272 8226
  8. Albert Spiegel, Professor, Leiter des referats fur Wissenschafts und Hochschulaustausch, Bonn, Germany, 53113, phone: +49 (0228) 17 25 25
  9. Agnes von Matuschka Professor, Doctor of science (Law), Berlin, Germany, E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
  10. Bernd Poppenheger, Professor, Doctor of science (Law), Technical University, Berlin, Germany, Steinplatz 1, D-10623, Tel.: (+4930) 314-217 68-23906
  11. Saidov Akmal Kholmatovich, Doctor of science (Law), Professor, The Director of the Institute on the human rights and freedoms under the guidance of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Chairman of the Committee on the legislation and legal reform of the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, phone: (998- 71) 239-81-58, E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
  13. A) Books
  14. The concept of law-abiding state (history, theory and practice), 2008. Almaty: Gulym, 104 P.
  15. The theory and history of the building of the legal system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2009. Almaty: Rauan, 206 P.
  16. The principles of law-abiding state and its realization in the Constitution and legal system of USA, 2010, Almaty: KAPrint, 84 P.
  17. The foundation of the law-abiding state and the constitutional process in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011, Almaty: Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, 287 P.
  18. The creation of the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan Становление правовой системы in the conditions of transit society, 2012, Almaty: KAPrint, 180 P.
  19. The development of the legal system of the state in the transition period from totalitarian to liberal democratic regime, 2013, Almaty: KAPrint, 160 P.
  20. The problems of growing of the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of globalization, 2014, Almaty: SaGa, 320 P.
  21. B) Articles in journals
  22. The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan in the conditions of sovereignty. World of Law, Volume # 7, 2015, (Kazakhstan), 34-38 (in Russian)
  23. The evolution of the theory of human rights. The legal reform ion the Republic of Kazakhstan, Volume # 1, 2014, (Kazakhstan), 60-67 (in Russian)
  24. Some problems of defense of rights and interests of the children in the international marriages.The Bulletin of Tverskoy State University, Tver (Russia), Volume # 22, 2013, pp. 5-15 (in Russian)
  25. The problems and perspectives of law development in the modern world, The Bulletin of Tverskoy State University, Tver (Russia), Volume # 22, 2012, pp. 146-156 (in Russian)
  26. The correlation of the international and external law in the field of human rights and freedoms, Eurasian Law Journal, Moscow (Russia), Volume 6, # 37, 2011, pp. 45-49 (in Russian)
  27. The religious tolerance as the bases of the consolidation of people of Kazakhstan, Bulletin of Kazakh National University named after Abai (KAZNU), Volume 1, 2011, (Kazakhstan), 28-32 (in Russian)
  28. The mechanism of the constitutional defense of the human rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan, The legal reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Volume 1, # 53 2011, (Kazakhstan), 17-20 (in Russian)
  29. International Law about the main values of the natural and human rights, World of Law, Volume 4, 2011, (Kazakhstan), 6-9 (in Russian)
  30. Some problems of the security supplement in the Republic of Kazakhstan, The economics and Law, Volume 6, 2011, pp. 33-36 (in Russian)
  31. About the sources of the national law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The history of the state and Law, Moscow (Russia), Volume 8, 2011, pp. 4-7 (in Russian)
  32. The division of powers as the principle of building of law-abiding state in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bulletin of Tashkent State Law Institute, Volume 6, 2013, Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 75-79 (in Russian)
  33. The judicial and legal reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan and human rights, The legal reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Volume 1, # 49 2014, (Kazakhstan), 19-23 (in Russian)
  34. The civil society and political system, Bulletin of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Volume 3 # 17, 2014, (Kazakhstan), 3-7 (in Russian)
  35. The role and place of the courts in the mechanism of defense and guaranties of the human rights and freedoms in USA, Bulletin of Tashkent State Law Institute, Volume 1, 2010, Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 135-139 (in Russian)
  36. To the question about modernization of the civil society in the modern Kazakhstan, Bulletin of Osh State University, Volume 6, 2010, Osh (Kyrgyzstan), 290-294 (in Russian)
  37. The specific and essence of the realization of the power and management in the Republic of Kazakhstan, The politics and society, Moscow (Russia), Volume 12, 2010, pp. 4-15 (in Russian)
  38. About the history of socio-cultural bases of growing of law-Abiding state in the Republic of Kazakhstan, The modern Law, Moscow (Russia), Volume 9, 2010, pp. 157-163 (in Russian)
  39. The conditions of the growing of law-abiding state, The democratization and human rights, Volume 1, 2012, Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 105-107 (in Russian)
  40. The theoretical and legal problems of the struggle with the corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bulletin of the Institute of promotion of qualification of state official of the Republic of Tajikistan, Volume 1, 2013, Dushanbe (Tajikistan), 63-69 (in Russian)
  41. The peculiarities of the genesis of the idea of law-abiding state in Russia and Kazakhstan, The public opinion and human rights, Volume 4, 2014, Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 79-85 (in Russian)
  42. C) Contributions to academic conferences
  43. Adolph Yanushkevich about kazakh judges, Republic of Kazakhstan, International science-practical Conference “The life and activity of Adolph Yanushkevich, Warsaw, Poland 2014 (in Russian)
  44. The growing of law-abiding state in the Republic of Kazakhstan: 20 years experience IX KIMEP International Research Conference, Kazakhstan, 2013 (in Russian)
  45. Some peculiarities of the maintenance of the problem of culture, philosophy and science, The Republican science-practical conference “Science, philosophy, religion: correlation in the modern education, devoted to the Anniversary 75 years old of Academician Shulembayev, Pavlodar, 2012 (in Russian)
  46. The legal supplement of gender policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, International Research Conference “The women’s rights in the world”, Antalya, Turkey, 2011 (in Russian)
  47. The building of law-abiding state in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of the constitutional legality, The International science-practical conference “The constitutional legality- the bases of law-abiding state and human freedoms”, devoted to 20-Anniversary of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Astana, 2011(in Russian)
  48. The problems of the improvement of the political system in the conditions of modernization of Kazakhstan society (the problems of theory and practice), The International science-practical conference “The forming and perfection of the political system in the conditions of modernization of Kazakhstan’s society”, Almaty, 2011 (in Russian)
  49. The forming of law-abiding state as the whole social-political process, The International science-practical conference “15 years of the Constitution- the modernization of Kazakhstan in the political, economical and social spheres”, Semey, 2010 (in Russian)
  50. The Constitution and the problems of improvement of the legal system, The International science-practical conference “The Constitution- the bases of the democratic development of the state”, devoted to 15 years of the Constitution, Astana, 2010 (in Russian)
  51. The components of the political system in the modern conditions, The International science-practical conference “The problems of improvement of the political system of the Kazakhstan’s society in the modern conditions”, Almaty, 2010 (in Russian)
  52. Some problems of improvement of the constitutional legislation through the Concept of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2010 to 2020 years, The International science-practical conference “The problems of the development of the constitutionalism in Kazakhstan” devoted to 80- Anniversary of Academician Sapargaliev, Almaty, 2010 (in Russian)
  53. Some peculiarities of the development of current legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the new conditions, The International science-practical conference “The Concept of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2010 to 2020 years”, Almaty, 2010 (in Russian)
  54. To the question on the history of the problem of human rights and freedoms in Russia and Kazakhstan in the conditions of law-abiding state, The International science-practical conference “The Republic of Kazakhstan- independent democratic state”, Karaganda, 2010 (in Russian)
  55. The concept bases of the improvement of the branch legislation, The International science-practical conference “The actual problems of the application and improvement criminal, criminal procedure and executive legislation in the conditions of globalization”, devoted to 70-Anniversary of Professor Aitmukhambetov, Almaty, 2009 (in Russian)
  56. The theoretical and legal problems of the improvement of the political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, The International science-practical conference “The political system in the modern conditions”, devoted to 70-Anniversary of Academician Sabikenov, Almaty, 2009 (in Russian)
  57. The sources of rise of the legal systems in the Turk ideology, The International science-practical conference “The actual problems of Turk’s world”, Almaty, 2009 (in Russian)
  58. The political and legal consequences of the deportation of the people according to the Constitution of 1937: the questions of the theory and practice, The Republican science-theoretical conference “Sadykov’s readings”, Almaty, 2009 (in Russian)
  59. The constitutional and legal status of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan, The International science-practical conference, devoted to 70-Anniversary of Academician Sadykov, Almaty, 2008 (in Russian)
  60. The main directions of the development of Kazakhstan’s legal system in the conditions of globalization, The Republican science-theoretical conference, devoted to 75-Anniversary of Academician Baimakhnov, Almaty, 2008 (in Russian)
  61. The international and legal forms of the cooperation of Kazakhstan in the field of the defense of maternity and children, The Republican science-practical conference “The maintenance of the children’s rights- the example of legislative, social and political development of the state, Almaty, 2013 (in Russian)
  62. The Law “On language” of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the factor of revival of Kazakh culture, The Republican science-theoretical conference “The language is the spiritual value”, Almaty, 2014 (in Russian)
  63. D) Additional information


1.      The member of expert group on the preparation of the Draft of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1995, Almaty, Kazakhstan, May-July 1995.

  1. Prepared two candidates of jurisprudence: Musabayeva Gulbakhsha Nurmukanovna (2010). The subject: “The institute of special migration and deportation of the people in the political and legal history of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Mukhametkarimova Saya Tolegenovna (2011). The subject: “The theory of state sovereignty”, Bishkek, Kyrkyzstan.