My name is Azbergen Meyrbek Inkarbekuly. I was born April 18, 1954 in the village Cultu (today Karatau), Talas district of Zhambyl region.


In 1961 I went to the first class of eight-year-old boarding school named NC. Krupskaya. In 1966, for exemplary school and public activities I was sent to the all-Union pioneer camp "Artek". In 1969, successfully completing eight years old, I continued my education in high school of a name of October revolution in Zhambul and finished 1971. In the period from 1971 to 1976, trained in the Zhambyl irrigation and drainage construction Institute, qualification engineer, specialty "Industrial and civil construction.

My working activity I began teaching Karatau mining and construction College. In December of the same year received the translation in Karatau branch of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V. I. Lenin, 1980-1981 senior lecturer, actively contributed to the opening of the Department of Technology building production and construction" and became its first head. 1981-1985 – research internships in Moscow (the Moscow Institute of civil engineering named after V. Kuibyshev, the research and design Institute "Hydroproject" named after S. Y. Zhuk) and postgraduate studies, 1986 – successful defense of candidate's dissertation, Moscow civil engineering Institute specialty 01.02.07 - "soil Mechanics and granular materials".

In the period from 1986 to 1995 I was head of the Department "Technology of building production and construction", I held the position of Deputy branch Director on scientific work, was a member of the academic Council and Chairman of the scientific and technical Council, awarded the honor of being placed on the "honor roll".

1996-2003 senior researcher of Taraz state University, associate Professor of the Department "Construction", 2003-2007 head of Department, associate Professor.

2001-2002 – Pro-rector of the agricultural University in Karatau on scientific and methodical work (part-time), 2006-2007 - Pro-rector of humanitarian-technical Institute in Karatau on educational and methodical work.

2007-2009 – Deputy Director of the Institute Taraz, Zhambyl humanitarian-technical University, educational and scientific-methodical work, the Director of the training Department and the Director of the Department for scientific work named University, 2009 – Pro-rector of Taraz technical Institute for scientific and methodical work.

2009-2011 – head of scientific-methodical sector of the educational-methodical Department, Director of the center for scientific programs Taraz state University named after M. H. Dulati, currently a Professor of the University.

1991 – awarded the academic title of associate Professor, 1994 – awarded the badge "excellent worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan". 1991-1993 – Deputy of Karatau city Council of people's deputies.

In 1997 I was elected a councillor of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan geotechnical Association, in 2000 was elected a member-correspondent of the International Academy of Informatization.

In 2006, the academic Council awarded the academic title "Professor" Karatau humanitarian-technical Institute, in 2008 – "the Professor" Zhambyl humanitarian-technical University, 2011 – "the Professor" of Taraz state University named after M. H. Dulati.

In 2014 she was awarded the badge "Honorary Builder of Kazakhstan".

Repeatedly awarded certificates of Zhambyl regional Federation of trade unions and Talas district maslikhat.

Participant of numerous international and national scientific forums and conferences, published more than 91 scientific and scientific-methodical works.

Married, have 2 daughters and a son, 6 grandchildren.