Musabekov Akhmetbek Akhylbekovich


Musabekov Akhmetbek Akhylbekovich, was born on January 9, 1966 in the village of Berlik, Sayram region, the Southern Kazakhstan area, on a nationality the Kazakh. Having graduated from Republican physical and mathematical school in 1983, entered the Kazakh chemical institute of technology in "Automation of engineering procedures and productions", was a prize-winner of the Republican Olympic Games on the higher mathematics. From 1987 to 1989 served in ranks of the Soviet Army and the Navy. Upon termination of institute with honors in 1990 began a labor activity the teacher at "Automation of Engineering Procedures and Productions" department (nowadays "Automation, Telecommunication and Management" department). In 2010 defended the master's thesis in the specialty 25.00.36 – "Geoecology", works as the head of the department "Automation, telecommunication and management" of SKSU of M. Auezov now.

I am engaged in scientific work on a research, development and designing of systems of automation of engineering procedures, productions and technical systems. I published one education guidance, more than 50 scientific and scientific-methodical works are published, I have 1 copyright certificate, 1 provisional patent. Now research work is devoted to development of systems of automation, positioning, targeting and tracking of optical systems for solar and the fotovoltaick of power plant, and on development hybrid (combined) the thermal power plants using alternative and renewable energy resources. Was engaged in grant scientific research on the subject "Research and Development of an Automated Control System for Solar Power Plants for Optimum Use of a Solar Energy".

Actively I participate in public life of department, faculty and university, the participant of any sports an action and an interfaculty sports contest among teaching collective on chess, a togyz-kumalak and football. Married, the exemplary family man.