Doctor of philology Almasbek Anykbekovich Maulenov has been a leading researcher at the Abay Research Institute at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University since September 1, 2017.  In order to publish a 50-volume collection of Abay Kunanbayev's works and promote Abay's work, the Institute conducted scientific and methodological seminars "Abaytanu" for teachers of universities, secondary schools and gymnasiums.

 Since September 1, 2018, Doctor of philology Maulenov A. A. has been appointed head of the Zhambyl Research Center for Kazakh folklore and literature. He is also an associate professor of the Department of Kazakh literature and theory of literature.

 Almasbek Anykbekovich Maulenov was born on August 18, 1965. In 1988, he entered the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where he graduated in 1993 as a philologist, teacher of Kazakh language and literature. From 1997 to 2000, he studied full-time at the Postgraduate School of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2002, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic:" artistic activity of Legends and myths in Kazakh prose".  

 From 2001 to 2016, he worked in the bodies of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the special faculty of language training from senior lecturer to head of the Department.  In 2011, he was the winner of the competition "Best Teacher of the Academy", which was held within the framework of the Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 


  1. A. Maulenov conducts lectures and seminars on the subject "Literary Studies" in The Bachelor, Master and doctoral programs of the higher textbook at a high methodological level, using both traditional forms of teaching and new innovative forms.


Almasbek Maulenov effectively carried out scientific and educational work. Scientific monographs" mythical and mythical use in Kazakh prose"," folklore and mythological paradigm in the literature of the Turkic peoples "and" folklore and mythology in the literature of Turkic peoples", 4 textbooks have been published, and more than 100 scientific articles have been published at national, international scientific, practical and methodological conferences. 


On November 27, 2015, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on "folklore and mythological paradigm in literature of Turkic peoples" at the dissertation Council of the Kyrgyz national university named after Zhusup Balasagun and the CH.Aitmatov Institute of language, literature and art of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Almasbek Anykbekovich Maulenov has been the head of the Zhambyl Research Center for Kazakh folklore and literature since October 1, 2021.