By Толемисова Арай Магауияновна on 11.04.2023
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Tolemissova Aray Magauyanovna, was born on March 28, 1970 in Almaty, Kazakh by nationality.

In 1987, I graduated from the secondary school named after Abay in the Urdzhar district of the Semipalatinsk region.

After leaving school, I entered the Karaganda State Medical Institute at the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty. After successful graduation I was left at the department of general hygiene of the same institute as a senior laboratory assistant, then, after 3 months, I took the position of an assistant.

From 1995 to 1998, I studied full-time postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Regional Pathology (currently, the Scientific Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology). During my postgraduate studies, I worked as an occupational health sanitary doctor in the sanitary and epidemiological control of air transport.

From 1998 to 2001, I held the position of an assistant, then an associate professor at the Department of General Hygiene of the Almaty State Institute for the Improvement of Doctors.

From 2001 to September 2003, I worked at the Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas at the Department of Applied Ecology and Fisheries, first as an associate professor, then since 2002 as a professor of the department. In the same year, I received the title of academic professor at the same institute.

From 2003 to September 2006, I worked at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov at the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology as an associate professor.

Since October 2006, I continued to work at the ASIPME (Almaty State Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education), where until April 2008 I worked as an assistant professor of the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the ASIPME, then until November 2010 I worked as the head of the department of postgraduate studies, residency, master's and doctoral studies, and from November 2010 to December 2011 year - vice-rector for educational and methodological work. In January 2012, I organized the Department of Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the Center for Continuing Education (later - the Institute of Postgraduate Education) at KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov. In January 2016, I opened the private International Institute of Postgraduate Education, which I renamed in February 2021 as the International Research Institute of Postgraduate Education. At the present time I am the rector of this institute. And also, I am the constitutor and director of the LifeMed Holding company and the founder of the IIPO Clinic where the professorial staff consults.

In 1999, I defended my Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Combined action of arsenic and cadmium and the protective role of the sulfate ion” in the specialty 14.00.07.- Hygiene. In 2001, I received the title of Associate Professor.

In 2009, I defended my doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Physical development of children and adolescents as an indicator of the ecological state of the territory of settlements" (14.00.07. - Hygiene), and in 2010 I was awarded the title of professor.

I have 3 students who, under her guidance, prepared and successfully defended dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences.

I have the highest category and a certificate of a specialist in "General Hygiene" and "Health Organization". I improved my professional level in various cycles.

I am the author of over 120 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 2 monographs, 12 guidelines, scientific articles. I Participated in the preparation of the State Standard for Additional Education and standard programs for additional education for organizations providing advanced training and retraining of specialists in the specialty "Hygiene and Epidemiology". I was involved in organizing the activities of the Centers for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise in accordance with the "State Program for the Reform and Development of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2006", harmonization of regulatory legal acts in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and technical regulation in accordance with WTO requirements.

I was awarded the badge "Perfection in healthcare", Honorary Diplomas of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, AGIUV, KazNMU, trade union. Medal "For the outstanding work of the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare." Medal "Excellent worker of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan". (Excellence in Public Health, 2010). Medal "For the outstanding work of the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare." The title of "Golden Chair of Russia" awarded by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2013). Badge "Honorary Citizen of the Customs Union" (2015) International Organizing Committee for Public Awards and Titles. Medal "Worker" (2016). Breastplate "Golden Doctor" (2020). Badge "Loyalty to the profession" (2020). Medal "Sensitive Heart" (2020). Order of Hippocrates (2021). Medal "For his hard work" (2021). "The Best Women of Kazakhstan" (2021)

A large amount of work was done at the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Institute of Postgraduate Education headed by me to develop and ensure the activities of the Department of educational and methodological documentation in the state and Russian languages. I, in co-authorship, again compiled a complete set of scientific and methodological complex for more than 30 items, topics in the specialty "Hygiene and Epidemiology".

In addition to her professional duties, she actively participated in the public life of ASIPME and IPO. In 2009-2010 was the chairman of the trade union committee of ASIPME. I was the Deputy Chairman of the Association of Business Women in 2021, and to this day I am a member of this association. She was elected a member of the public council of the Bostandyk district of Almaty.

I am fluent in Kazakh and Russian languages, and computer technology.

I am raising a daughter.