By Алдияров Жумадилла Алибекович on 23.05.2022
Category: Дополнительные материалы


M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

Associate Professor of the Department "Construction and Building Materials", Candidate of Technical Sciences Zh.A. Aldiyarov

I was born on March 8, 1963 in the village of  Darbaza, Saryagash  district.

I went  to secondary school in the village of Darbaza, Saryagash district.

I went two years in the Soviet army in 1981-1983.

In 1984 entered the Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute with a degree in Agricultural Construction. In 1989, I was graduate from this institute with a qualification of "Civil Engineer".

From 1989 to 1992 I was work as the secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Faculty of Construction, then KAZKHTI.

In 1993-1996 I was study at the KazHTI, after completing I have got a job as a teacher of the Department of "Technology and Organization of Construction".

From 1997 to 2000 I worked in the "Student scientific department of the university".

In 2006 I successfully defended my PhD thesis on the topic: "Features of complex solar thermal treatment of road products made of slag-alkali binder and concrete" at the research Institute "NIIStromproekt" in Almaty.

From 2008 to 2011, I worked as Deputy Director of the "Technical Institute and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Transport".

Aldiyarov Zh. A. is the responsible executor of the grant scientific project for 2015-2017, funded by the "Science Foundation" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the scientific works of  more than 120 scientific papers have been published, the holder of 2 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 1 preliminary patent.

Awards: Nomination of the mayor city of the region "The best mentor of the year" (2009), the best senior teacher of the SKSU 2015-2016 academic year (2016), the best associate professor of the SKSU 2016-2017 academic year (2017), badge of the 75th anniversary of the SKSU (2017), achievements in the field of science and education awarded a Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019).

From 2012 to 2015, Aldiyarov Zh.A. worked as the head of the Department "Land Management and Cadastre".

Since 2016, I have been working as an associate professor of the Department of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction.

I was distinguished by responsibility, high efficiency, honesty and decency. His scientific and pedagogical achievements earned him high respect in the educational and scientific space.