By Майлыбаев Ерсайын Құрманбайұлы on 15.05.2022
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Mailybayev Yersaiyn Kurmanbayuly, was born on September 14, 1984 in the village of  Nartay, Shieli district, Kyzylorda region.

From 1998-2001 he studied at the Republican Specialized Physics and Mathematics School named after O. A. Zhautykov (RSFMSHI), Almaty.

From 2001 to 2006, he studied at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (KazNTU), Almaty, majoring in "Organization and technology of information security".

In 2006, he graduated from K. I. Satpayev KazNTU with the qualification «System Engineer».

In 2015 graduated in the following year scientific and pedagogical master's degree program in International University of Information Technologies (IIT), Almaty, majoring in “Computer systems and software engineering”. Became the owner of a state grant.

Since 2007, he has been working at the Kazakh university ways of communications.

In 2021, at the Dissertation Council of the Kazakh university ways of communications, he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 6D070200-Automation and management.

In 2021, by the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the doctor's degree was awarded PhD according to the educational program 6D070200-Automation and Control, Order No. 761 of 22.10.2021

C 2022 years Academician of the International Academy of Informatization.

Author of numerous publications, including articles in highly rated publications included in the database Scopus, 1 monographs.

In 2018, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Married, father of four children.