I am Amangeldinov Merey Aibolovich, I was born on December 28, 2000 in the city of Semey.From 2007 to 2018 he studied at the “Zharkyn secondary school”.

Address: Semey city, Zharkyn village, Atameken street 5b. Tel: 8 707 997 34 28

In 2018 he entered the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi with a degree in Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications. Currently I am a 4th year student at the Faculty of Physics and Technology.

In 2019 he entered the military department in the name of Al-Farabi. Graduated in 2021. Assigned an officer rank.

In 2021 we participated in the “Kazakhstan International Exhibition” and received a 1st degree diploma.

I have 3 patents for a utility model application.

Marital status is single. No kids.

          Family composition:

father - Pshenbaev Aibol Amangeldinovich was born in 1969, excavator.

mother - Pshenbaeva Almira Maksutovna was born in 1972, a housewife.

sister - Amangeldinova Gaukhar Aibolovna was born in 1992, married.

Neither I nor my closest relatives were under investigation, they have no criminal record.