Babasheva Mansiya Nurgaliyevna was born on February 14, 1952 in the Koschagyl Village, Emba district, Guryev region.

Upon graduating from high school in 1969, she has entered the Grozny State Oil Institute at the correspondence department.

 From 1969 to 1971, she has worked as a laboratory assistant technician in the structural-prospecting party of the West Kazakhstan Geological Survey Association of the Guryev enlarged territorial petroleum exploratory expedition (GUGNRE).

In 1971, she transferred to the full-time department and in 1976 graduated the Grozny State Oil Institute.

After graduating, she was admitted to the reserve estimation party of the Kazneftegazrazvedka Association as an engineer, and then became a senior engineer. The total years of service - 10 years.

In 1986, she was transferred to KazNIGRI as a head of reserve estimation laboratory. Later she became the head of oilfield department. For 14 years, the direction of hydrocarbon reserve estimation and laboratory researches, led by M.N. Babasheva, took a leading position in the oil industry.

In 2000, Caspiymunaigas Scientific Research and Design Institute JSC offers her a job for a new field - the Department of Oilfield Geology of Reservoirs for the position of Head of Department. 

Her organizational and professional skills allowed for 6 years a small field of “estimation of oil and gas reserves” consisting of 10 people to grow into a large institute. Caspiymunaigas Scientific-Research Institute LLP was registered in 2006 as a separate company where she became Deputy General Director for Geology and Field Development.

From June 2006 to 2016, Babasheva M.N. was appointed the General Director position at the Caspiymunaigas Scientific-Research Institute LLP.

The formation of the Partnership began from the development policy, long-term and short-term strategic plans, creating value-based relationships with the team, clients, business partners, ensuring the safety and quality services.

 For a developing design institute, where the development of an effective field development strategy is decisive, a serious and important problem was the lack of scientific research that meets international laboratory standards.

The creation of international joint ventures in large and small fields has identified a shortage of laboratories studying the composition and properties of rocks and reservoir fluids. All joint ventures have conducted laboratory research outside country, undermined the economy and the development of scientific and experimental studies.

Therefore, the decision of institute staff to create a large competitive laboratory center with modern equipment was important.

This period began from the Mansiya Nurgaliyevna's ideas to create a new type enterprise that provides services for the design of geology, development and drilling of oil field, hydrodynamic studies, and fluid and core analysis.

 Until 2008, Kazakhstan did not have any laboratory equipment for the study of thermobaric changes of rocks that meet international standards. Mainly terrigenous rocks (sands, sandstones, and siltstones) were studied. The laboratory was created by the fact that rock studies were carried out abroad.

It can be said that Mansiya Nurgaliyevna's “brainchild” is the first domestic laboratory for petrophysical studies of rocks, opened in 2010, aimed at studying cores under reservoir conditions. The laboratory, equipped with unique modern apparatus, allow the subsoil users to quickly and efficiently carry out the necessary studies of cores by local specialists. Her achievement can hardly be overstated.

For the period 2008-2014 two specialized laboratories for core and reservoir fluid analyses have been constructed at their own expense. Nowadays, the laboratory covers eight areas.

During the 26th plenary session of the Council of Foreign Investors chaired by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the contribution of foreign investors to the innovative-technological development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of state gave the task to develop an “Oil and Gas Extraction Scientific and Technological Development Roadmap until 2025”. This document defines the step-by-step development path, the project implementation and the research planning.  

The first step towards achieving the Roadmap was the creation of a new Geochemical Research Laboratory that meets international standards, together with KazMunayGas JSC, Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V. and Caspiymunaigas Scientific-Research Institute LLP.

Sponsoring by Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V., state-of-the-art geochemical equipment has been purchased and delivered that has enormous capabilities for determining individual high molecular weight hydrocarbon compounds by gas chromatography.

In 2015, a new laboratory for geochemical research of gas-fluid mixture and rocks was opened.

The laboratory is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment that provides both geochemical analysis of oil, rocks and soils for solving geological survey, prospecting and exploration tasks and analysis of drinking water, natural water and wastewater in terms of compliance monitoring and environmental monitoring in conjunction with the Department of Ecology and Environment Protection of the Institute.

Creation of a new laboratory within the Atyrau region as part of implementation of the “Oil and Gas Extraction Scientific and Technological Development Roadmap until 2025” suggests that the state places high expectations to this region and, at the same time, great responsibility for the progress in oil science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Over the past 10 years, Mansiya Nurgaliyevna has created highly qualified specialists both in the design and in the implementation of unique laboratory research. These are jobs, the authority of Kazakhstani specialists, and an opportunity to be competitive in the implementation of our primary objectives.

During the management period, the reserves of the largest oilfields: Kashagan, Karachaganak, Zhanazhol, Kenkiyak, Northern Truva, that are the main economic base of Kazakhstan, were assessed. A number of implementations such as polymer flooding to increase oil recovery, water-gas stimulation, and hydraulic fracturing technologies have been carried out.

Under Mansiya Nurgaliyevna's guidance and direct participation, the 289 R&Ds, projects and reports in the field of field development, estimation of oil-gas reserves were completed for many subsoil users.

For 43 years of work experience, Mansiya Nurgaliyevna has made a great contribution to development of the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan.

The findings of multi-year research by Ms. Babasheva M.N. have reflected in her published scientific articles; she is the author of more than 30 scientific papers, has a patent on the water-alternated-gas injection technology to enhance oil recovery.

Babasheva M.N. was awarded the honor of “Exploration geologist of the USSR”. She was awarded with a Diploma and a medal “Discoverer of deposits (fields) in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. She also was awarded for the discovery of the Kenbai field, for the discovery of the Northern Truva field.

In 2007, she completed her PhD in Engineering Science with specialization in Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Fields.

In 2008, by the Decision of Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Babasheva M.N. was awarded the PhD in Technical Science.

In 2011, by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded for excellence the Order of Kurmet. 

  In the employment sheet of Mansiya Nurgaliyevna, there were such awards: the title and badge of “Honoured Prospector of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Honored Oilman of Kazakhstan”.

In 2011, she has received the title of Laureate of “The International Socrates Prize” in the field of economy and business, the honorary distinction “Best top manager of the year” of the European Business Assembly (Oxford, UK).

In 2011, the medal of the Kazakhstan Association of Oil-Gas and Energy Complex Organizations “KAZENERGY” dedicated to 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2012, Mansiya Nurgaliyevna was awarded a 100th anniversary of Dossor Oilfield Commemorative Medal and a 50th anniversary of Mangystau  Oilfield Commemorative Medal.

In 2013, she was awarded a 30th anniversary of Prorva Oilfield Medal, a 100th anniversary of the first oil of Kazakhstan Commemorative Token, a Diploma of Merit of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for excellent work in the oil and gas industry.

In 2014, she was awarded honorary badge “For merits in development of a science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

In 2017, Babasheva M.N. was awarded a “Honorary Citizen of Atyrau”.

In 2019, she was awarded a 120th anniversary of the first oil of Kazakhstan commemorative medal, a Kazakhstan Association of Oil and Gas and Energy Complex Organizations KAZENERGY Medal in recognition and encouragement for labor and professional merits in the development of oil-gas and energy complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a gold order for contribution to development of the Academy, a “Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry” badge and “For contribution to oil and gas development” medal of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For highest excellence in the field of construction, economic development and strengthening of international authority of the country, she was awarded the Star of Glory - Economy of Kazakhstan.

She has the following scientific degree and academic status: PhD in Technical Sciences, Honorary Professor of Atyrau University of Oil and Gas, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Mansiya Nurgaliyevna is an expert of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Central Commission for Exploration and Development of Hydrocarbon Deposits of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nowadays, Mansiya Nurgaliyevna holds the position of Director in a young and promising company Timal Consulting Group LLP, where highly qualified and motivated young professionals work, who set ambitious goals to carry out design on a worldwide basis, to be competitive with the international companies.

Mansiya Nurgaliyevna's task is to achieve such goal, and to build a unique team that will be able to develop innovative technologies in oil business, promote self-confidence and self-esteem of Kazakhstani specialists, and to develop alternative methods for improving oil recovery as compared with existing ones.