My name is Abdukarimov Sadratdin Abdukarimovich. I was born in Borshetau village, in Republic of Uzbekistan in 1955. Nationality is Kazakh, higher education.


In 1963 – 1973 I had studied in school after “XXII –Partsezd”.

In 1973 entered the Kazakh agricultural institute in Almaty and graduated this institute by specialty “Mechanization of proceeding processes” in 1978.

After graduating institute in 1978 worked technology in “Uzagroculturetech” in district association, since 1980 until 1984 worked as teacher in Nukus State University after T.G.Shevchenko in Nukus city town.

In 1984 – 1986 y, passed scientific research training. Then in 1986-1989 entered the full-time postgraduate school in ACI in Leningrad.

After successfully protection of candidate dissertation on November in 1989 by distribution of MNE USSR, I was directed to MNE Uz.USSR as young specialist.

In 1989 – 1994, worked as docent of department “Exploitation, reliability and repairing of machine” in Nukus branch of Tashkent State – agrarian university (NB TashSAU).

In 1994 – 2005 worked as docent of department “Automobile and truck” in Kazakh Agrarian University (now KazNAU).

Since 2005 year until this time I am working as docent of department “Machine and equipment in oil and gas Industry” in Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpayev. Until this moment posted by the 75 scientific and methodical products: 2 tutorials, 2 copyright certificate of USSR, 2 inventions of Republic of Kazakhstan and about 15 – educational methodical complex.

For increasing scientific – pedagogical activity, I studied in “English Language Course” by “Chevron” programmed. Since 19.08.2010 until 30.06.2012, and also passed the increasing qualification course “Modern methods and technology designing of technological machine and equipment” in 72 hours, according to ME and SRK and MN and HE in Poland Siletz technical university.