Assubayeva Saltanat Kalykbaevna was born on January 23, 1968 in Taldykurgan of Almaty region, Kazakh by nationality.

She studied in high school №20 from 1975 to 1985. After graduating from high school, she entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin in 1985 and received the qualification “Mining engineer hydrogeologist” in 1990. 

From August 1990 to April 1999 she worked in “Kazvtorchermet” LLP as a technician.

In 1999 she got a job at the “K.I.Satpayev Kazakh national technical University” as a technician of the 1st category of the department of “General geology, mineralogy and petrography” (at the moment, the department of GSPEofMD), where she works to this day.

Currently, she works full-time as a lecturer at the Department of “Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits” and teaches classes in the following disciplines: General Geology, Computer Modeling of Mineral Deposits, Laboratory Methods of Mineral Prospecting, Structural Geology and other items.

She defended her Candidate's dissertation on the topic: “The oxidation zone of the gold - sulfide deposit Naimanzhal and the peculiarities of its formation (Central Kazakhstan)” in 2010.

Specialty: 25.00.11. - Geology, prospecting and exploration of solid mineral deposits; minerageny.

Scientific degree: candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences.

Scientific and practical experience is over 20 years.

Since 2003 to the present day he has been engaged in scientific projects on grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Direction of research: studying gold, rare and rare earth deposits and assessing their prospects, calculating reserves for these deposits using GIS programs (digitalization).

Author of more than 35 scientific papers, 2 co-authored monographs and 1 study guide.

5 people defended their master's theses under her supervision.

- Specialist in geological modeling of mineral deposits;

- Experienced user of GGIS programs: MapInfo, ArcGIS, Micromine;

- Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the preparation of test questions for admission to the magistracy. She also conducts advanced training courses for uranium enterprises (Branch of the Kazakhstan Nuclear University “Institute of High technologies” LLP).