I, Kazbekova Gulnara Kazbekovna, was born on 15th of May in 1953 in the May district, Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 1960 went to school and in 1970 graduated from the Ordzhonikidze High School.

In 1970 I have entered the Semipalatinsk Medical Institute, Department of Pediatrics, which I graduated in 1976 with a degree in pediatrician.

From August 1976 to July 1977 I have passed an internship in the Pavlodar Regional Children's Hospital.

In August 1977, my career began in the May Central District Hospital of the Pavlodar region.

 In 1981, I have entered the clinical residency at the Kazakh Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery in Almaty. After graduation and until 2007 I have  worked  in Alma-Ata ,later in 2007 I was invited to work in the newly opened in Astana “NSCMCH” (National Scientific Center for Maternal and Child Health) as the head of the department of scientific planning and organization of assistance to mothers and children.

Currently I work at NJSC Medical University "Astana" on the position of  an assistant professor of the "Fundamentals of Medicine" department.