Liudmyla Havrilova was born in Donetsk (Ukraine). She has the degree of higher education. During 1983 – 1988 she studied at Donetsk State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after Sergei Prokofiev, specialty – Musicology. She gained the qualification “Musicologist. Lecturer” (diploma with honors PV No. 774202).

In October 1993, at the specialized Academic Council of P. I. Tchaikovsky Kiev State Conservatory, she defended the thesis for getting the degree of Candidate of Sciences in Art History (diploma of KN No. 033718). Thesis: “Symbolist Trends in the Russian Chamber Musical Theater of the Early 20th Century” (specialty 17.00.02 – Musical Art).

In 1996, she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Music (DC AR No. 003061 dated 28. 03. 1996) of Sloviansk State Pedagogical Institute.

Between 2013 and 2015, she studied at Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Kiev) for getting the degree of Doctor of Sciences. In 2015, at Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Kiev), she received her second higher education degree in the specialty “Educational Measurements” and received the qualification “Head of the Institution for Assessing the Education Quality, Specialist in the Field of Educational Measurements” (diploma M15 No. 035517).

In September 2015, at the specialized Academic Council of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, she defended a thesis for getting the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DD No. 004998 dated 15. 12. 2015). Thesis: “The System of Formation of Music Teachers Professional Competence Using Multimedia Technologies” (specialty 13.00.04 – Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education).

In 2017, she graduated from Donbas State Pedagogical University, specialty: 013 Primary education, specialization – Foreign (English) Language and received qualifications: Organizer of Primary Education, Primary School Teacher, Teacher of the Foreign (English) Language at Primary School (diploma C17 No. 040009).

Since September 2015, she has been heading the Department of Theory and Practice of Primary Education at Donbass State Pedagogical University. In 2018, she received the academic title of Professor of this department (diploma AP No. 000437 dated 07.05.2018).

She is the deputy chairperson of the Dissertation Council D 12.112.01 at Donbas State Pedagogical University in the specialties 13.00.04 – Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education and 13.00.05 – Social Pedagogy.

Havrilova is the Editor-in-Chief of the electronic scientific journal included in Category B of the list of scientific specialized publications of Ukraine: “Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects” / She has about 200 publications, including 5 publications in journals included in the databases Web of Science and Scopus; 2 monographs; 6 teaching manuals, several electronic educational resources (“Ukrainian culture of the late 19th – early 20th century” / and others).

In 2018, she received a certificate that confirms a high level of proficiency in a foreign language (Aptis that certifies her C1 level). She participated in scientific and practical conferences held in Poland (Opole, April 2017; Katowice, April 2018).

At the high scientific-theoretical and educational-methodical level he teaches academic courses “Electronic Content for Studying Art Disciplines at Universities”, “Multimedia Technologies in Art Education”, “Information and Communication Technologies in Pedagogical Research”, “History of Musical Art of Ukraine”.