By Куангалиев Мурзабек Ахметович on 25.05.2020
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Kuangaliev Murzabek Akhmetovich

Was born on 5 April 1963 in the town of Guriev. Kazakh.

Father-Kuangaliev Ahmet Kuangalievich, now deceased, a veteran of The Great Patriotic War, was the Chairman of the Makat district Executive Committee of the Guryev region. Mother - Kuangalieva (Urazova) Madina Alimzhanovna, pensioner, former medical worker.

Graduated from the hydrotechnical faculty of the Kuibyshev Institute of civil engineering named after A. I. Mikoyan (1985), hydraulic engineer.


Candidate of Technical Sciences. The topic of the PhD thesis: "Stress-strain state of protective dams of various configurations under static and dynamic loads (2002).

 Author of 9 publications on the subject of stress-strain state of homogeneous ground dams.

Work experience:

Since 1985-Senior engineer of the Joint Directorate for water management construction of the Guryevsk regional water management and melioration department.

Since February 1987-senior specialist of the Department of Committee Affairs of the Guryevsky regional agro-industrial Committee.

Since July 1987-Engineer, Chief project engineer, Head of the Department of the Institute "KazNIPIneft" in Guryev.

Since 1995-Chief Engineer of the State Scientific-Research Design Institute “Caspiymunaygas”  in Atyrau (Guryev).

Since 2001-first Vice-President of "NIPI" Kaspiymunaygas "JSC  Atyrau.

Since 2005-Executive Director of  "Kazakh Institute of oil and gas"JSC, Astana.

Since 2006-Director of Atyrau branch of "Kazgiproneftetrans" Engineering company" LLP, Atyrau.

Since 2007 - Vice President - Director of the Institute for the Design of Oil and Gas Facilities LLP IK "Kazgiproneftetrans" Almaty.

Since February 2008 - Construction Manager of Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSC, Kulsary, Atyrau Region.

Since October 2008 to August 2017 - General Director of  "NIPI Caspimunaigas"JSC Atyrau.

Since August 2017-Director of  Oil and Gas Industry and Civil construction Design Center of  " Kazakh Institute of oil and gas (KING)"JSC, Almaty.


During his career, he participated in the implementation of many economic infrastructures in the Atyrau region:

-1985-1987 construction of water supply pipelines in various districts of the Guryev region, construction of objects of the Inder-Miyali group water pipeline;

-1987-2005 as Chief engineer of the projects were involved in project implementation flood deposits of the Western Prorva (this project was applied to the solution of strengthening the upper slopes of the dams of second-hand automobile tires, which significantly reduces the cost of CMP), the road rehabilitation project Baichunas-Karsak (2nd and 3rd stage), construction of the access road to the East Makat field., working project "Protection of the Caspian sea from pollution in the area of the Botakhan and Karsak fields" (in this project, economic and environmental solutions were calculated and applied for the cross-section of the protective dam), as a project Manager participated in the implementation of the feasibility study for the modernization of the Tengiz-Novorossiysk pipeline (CPC) on the 0-452 km section – the border of the Russian Federation, development of working documentation for projects the initial construction of the CPC pipeline, the development of the CPC Expansion Project at the stage of making investment decisions by Shareholders as Deputy Chairman participated in the work of Acceptance Commission on commissioning of completed construction of gas condensate pipeline "Karachaganak - Bolshoy Chagan" and "Bolshoy Chagan – Atyrau", including oil pumping station "Bolshoi Chagan" and Terminal "Atyrau", the connection of a condensate line to PS "Atyrau" CPC.

In the period from 1995 to 2005, working as Chief Engineer of the Institute, first Vice-President, Vice-President for design of JSC "NIPI Kaspiymunaygas", contributed to the systematic growth of the production program of the Institute, its equipment with advanced software and equipment, strengthening the positions and authority of the national design Institute in working with foreign companies in the construction of oil and gas industry (KPO BV, CPC JSC, Kazakhturkmunai LLP, ANPZ LLP, TCO LLP, MunaiTas JSC, Sazankurak JV, etc.).

In the period 2006 – 2007 as Director of Atyrau branch of LLP "IK Kazgiproneftetrans" was organized the work group supervision and performing drawings for the reconstruction of sections of the Gas Pipeline Central Asia – Center (IV - I line), which also contributed to the successful and timely completion of construction renovation projects.

In 2007, as Vice-President and Director of the Institute LLP "IK Kazgiproneftetrans", he participated in the development of the concept for the development of the seaport and the village of Kuryk, with a report of the main technical and economic data of the project to the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N. A. Nazarbayev in Aktau.

Since 2008, working on the post of General Director of JSC NIPI Caspimunaigas, organized by the Institute for successful implementation of production programs, which in 2009 received the positive conclusion of the State expertise on the CPC Expansion project, developed jointly with JSC KING, and restored one of the main design Institute – Department of engineering research with the laboratory of soils, which in the same year, commenced production tasks.

Since 2017, as the Director of  Oil and Gas Industry and Civil construction Design Center , JSC KING organizes the work of the Center's division to achieve planned indicators, quality development of design and estimate documentation, information and technical and methodological support, implementation of current software for design and project management. Over the past period, positive conclusions of the RSE Gosexpertiza were received for the projects " Increasing the capacity of the oil pipeline taking into account the reverse of the Atyrau-Kenkiyak oil pipeline to 6.0 million tons. tons'.year", "Construction of Akyrtobe DCS", "Modernization and reconstruction of SNPZ" , etc., developed feasibility studies "Increasing the capacity of MG Kazakhstan-China", "Increasing the capacity of MG Beineu-Bozoy-Shymkent" , etc.   He is a certified project Manager (KRMA certificate No. 02530 from 21.12.2018)



- the order " Kurmet» (2015)

- with a badge "Kazakhstan munayyna 100 zhyl" (1999),

- certificate of honor of the MEM RK (2000),

- certificate of honor of JSC "NC KazMunayGas"» (2011),

- certificate of honor of the Kazenergy Association (2011),

- commemorative badge "Mangistau munayyna 50zhyl" NK Kazmunaigas (2011)

- commemorative sign "Dossor Munai Ken Oorynina 100 jyl" NK Kazmunaigas (2011)

- order of "Merit in the development of the Russian construction industry" of the Russian heraldic chamber (2013)

- order of "Glory of Kazakhstan" of the National business rating in Kazakhstan (2013)

- badge "Kurmetti Kurylysshy" of The Committee for construction and housing and utility sector of the MRR RK (2014)

- medal " in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Association KAZENERGY» (2015)

- badge of honor "for personal contribution to the CPC Expansion Project» (2017)

- jubilee medal "Kazakhstan munayyna 120 zhyl" (2019)