Tatkenova Sh.A. born in the Kostanay region, in the city of Arkalyk. In 1991 graduated from music school named after B. Baykadamov in the class of dombra.

In 1995 Graduated from Arkalyk College of Music, folk instruments: dombra. In 1995 entered the Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy for a degree in musicology. In 2002 she graduated from the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy and received a diploma in musicology. In the same year, she graduated from the Korean folk instrument training course: Kayagim and Chang-gu at the Korean Center for Traditional Music (Seoul), a certificate was received. In 2010 graduated from graduate school with a degree in musicology at the Institute of Literature and Art. M.OAuezov NAS RK. In 2015 graduated from the magistracy in the specialty of musicology of the FMM at the department of musicology and composition of Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy and defended her master's thesis.
In 2016 enrolled in doctoral studies in the specialty of musicology of the FMM at the department of musicology and composition of Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. She is currently a senior lecturer and doctoral candidate at the FMM & SGD of the Department of Musicology and Composition of KNC named after Kurmangazy.


Work experience:

07/01/2002 - September 30, 2004 - Project Coordinator of Charitable Fund “Degdar Humanitarian Fund”;

09/01/2005 - 08/26/2006 - Lecturer in musical and theoretical disciplines of the Almaty College. P.I. Tchaikovsky;

09/01/2006 to the present - lecturer at the Department of Musicology and Composition of KNC named after Kurmangazy.

Family status: Two children: a daughter and a son.

During her work, Sh.A. Tatkenova showed the qualities necessary for a teacher in musical-theoretical and musical-historical disciplines: good professional training, wide erudition, and analytical skills. She conducted training courses in polyphony, analysis of musical works, harmony and solfeggio for students of performing specialties and individual lessons for students-musicologists and composers in special courses. There are also lecture courses and musicology training for undergraduates in performing specialties, musicologists and composers. At the final exams, students of Sh.A. Tatkenova show good results.As a member of the selection committee, she took part in entrance exams in 2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. In 2012 and in 2013 she took part as a state examiner at the State Academic College of Music at the P. Tchaikovsky College of Music. In 2016, in 2017 took part in the commission of the SAC at the undergraduate and comprehensive exam at undergraduates.Sh.A. Tatkenova proved herself as a creative scientist dealing with the problems of ethnomusicology. She took part in intra-university and international conferences devoted to pressing issues of Kazakhstani musicology (Inter-university student conference “Zhusturan - 2001”, “10 years of reforms in the post-Soviet space through the eyes of young researchers.”, “Turan” University, April 6-7, 2001, Almaty - 2001, International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Almaty, December 8-9, 2004, International Scientific and Theoretical Conference “A. Zhubanov and the Formation of Art History in Kazakhstan ”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A.K. Zhubanov, International Scientific and Practical Conference“ Universities of Culture and Art on the Way of the Global Educational Space ”, Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov, Almaty - 04/15/2010, Republican scientific-practical conference "The mental spiritual integrity of the Kazakh culture", Kazakh National Technical University. K. Satpayev, Almaty - 02.25.2013), International scientific-practical conference of KNС named after Kurmangazy, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of KNС named after Kurmangazy “Actual problems, experience and prospects of development of traditional and modern music” (Almaty - 2014), International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Fundamental and applied music research in the XXI century”, KNС named after Kurmangazy, (Almaty, 12/15/2016), V International symposium of the research group “Music of the Turkic-speaking world” KNС named after Kurmangazy, (Almaty, April 21.-April 23, 2016), International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration Processes in Contemporary Musical Art and Education" (KazNAA named after Zhurgenov), Almaty, April 24-26, 2017), Republican Scientific practical conference "The performing arts of Kazakhstan in the XXI century »(Almaty, 26.04.2017).

International scientific conference "Traditional music in the XXI century: to the 200th anniversary of musical ethnography of Kazakhstan" KNС named after Kurmangazy, (Almaty, December 11-12, 2017), International scientific conference "Process Management and Scientific Developments" Novotel Birmingham Center, (Birmingham , United Kingdom, December 13, 2017), the International scientific-practical conference “Kasyrlar kңңіstіndegі kөne saryndar”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of A. Zataevich., M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art., (Almaty., 14 March 2019).

During her work, Sh.A. Tatkenova also took part in writing TUP.

In 2015 defended a master's thesis and received a master's degree in art history.

Since 2016 to date, is a doctoral candidate at the FMM & SGD of the Department of Musicology and Composition of KNС named after Kurmangazy. During training in doctoral studies, she passed the International scientific internship at the Academy of Music and Dance named after Rubin, Jerusalem, Israel in December 2017. and in December 2018.

In communication with colleagues at work, Sh.A. Tatkenova proved herself to be a responsive, honest and honest person, she is respected by students. Sh.A. Tatkenova participates in the organization of university events.