Zhirnova Oksana Viktorovna, was born on may 22, 1976 in the city of Alma-ATA, in a family of workers/physicians, by nationality Russian, non-party.

After graduating with honors from high school №110 in Almaty in 1993, she entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute.Vladimir Lenin (KazPTI) at the faculty of "automatic control systems". In 1998 she graduated with honors 3603 KazPTI specialty "automation of metallurgical processes and production" with honors and was invited to the Department of "automation of metallurgical processes and production" as an engineer of the laboratory of educational and research center "Siemens-KazNTU", since 2000 – as a teacher, since 2006 – as a senior teacher, since 2016 as a senior lecturer of the Department "Automation and management". In 2004 graduated from the correspondence postgraduate study on a speciality "automation of technological processes and production", but not protection, in 2011, received in AIPET in a master's degree in 6М070200 "automation and management" and graduated in 2013. The theme of the master's thesis is "Modeling and research of control systems of the BOILER-TURBINE complex on the basis of thermodynamic functions". In 2014, received a doctorate in KazNTU To the name.I. Satpayev with a degree in doctoral PhD 6м070200 "automation and control". Theme of dissertation research: "Development of automated system of diagnostics and management of biogas combustion processes". In 2017, successfully completed her doctorate and defended, confirmation of the degree of doctor of philosophy (doctor of philosophy) from the VAK MES received from 05.05.2018 (order №720). During this period, I conducted in full all kinds of teaching load, including the management of diploma projects and master's theses, conducting training sessions with bachelors and masters and advising them. Over a three-year period (from 2016 to 2019.) was published more than 70 scientific and methodical works, including textbooks, teaching materials, syllabi, methodical instructions to laboratory and practical work and SRS. During this period, she published 36 publications of articles and abstracts in the proceedings of international conferences, as well as international publications, reports in Kazakhstan and abroad and articles with non-zero (if>0) and high (if>0.25) impact factor including:

- 13 articles, Tom Tomson Reuters e e-8525-2016 (http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-8525-2016) h-index 3;

- 14 articles cited in the Scopus database author ID 5701688800 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57016888800) H-index 5;

- textbook in English.yaz. "Automation of typical technological processes "for bachelors and masters of specialty" 5b070200, 6m070200 – automation and control "koshimbayev sh. K., Bayandina G. S., Zhirnova O. V. year ed 2017, IS-IS ISBN 978-601-323-038-2 UDC 002.52 / 54 LBC 32.96 K-76,

- tutorial in Russian, "Fundamentals of automation" for bachelor and master students of technical specialties, the authors Zhirnova O. V., S. K. Kasymbaev 2018 ed, publ Sikula ISBN 978-601-323-119-8 UDC 681(075.8) BBK 32.965я73 K76,

- tutorial in Russian, "process Management" for bachelor and master students of technical specialties, the authors Zhirnova O. V., S. K. Kasymbaev 2019 ed, publ Sikula ISBN 978-601-323-122-8 UDC 681.5 (075.8) BBK 32.W 965ya73 62,

- textbook in Russian "Microprocessor devices and systems in control systems" for bachelors and masters of the specialty "5B070200, 6M070200 – automation and control" author Zhirnova O. V. 2018 ed, publishing house Shikula ISBN 978-601-323-127-3 UDC 681.5 (075.8) BBK 32.G 965ya73 73.

Since 2017, I am an expert providing services for the state scientific and technical expertise for JSC "national center of state scientific and technical expertise"; since 2019, editorial Manager (EM) for Mathematics and computers in modeling publications ISSN: 0378-4754; editorial Manager (EM) for technical Sciences and technologies, international journal ISSN: 22150986.

Since 2013, corresponding member of the MAIN, since 2018 full member (Academician) of the MAIN.

Since 05.2019 I am the Director of development of NGO "International Academy of Informatization".

Divorced, have a daughter 2008 / R.

Results of scientific and pedagogical activity in dynamics for the period preceding the competition of the state scientific scholarship for scientists (5 years – 2012-2017):

I, Zhirnova O. V. passed in 2016 the competition for the position of lecturer of the Department "automation and control" for a period of one year (from 1.09.2016 to 31.05.2017), also held in 2010 a competition for the position of senior lecturer of the Department "automation and control" for a period of three years (from 1.09.2010 to 31.08.2013).

During this period, all types of teaching load were carried out in full, including the management of diploma projects, conducting training sessions with bachelors and advising them.

For the entire period of work in KazNTU was published about 100 scientific and methodical works, including teaching materials, syllabi, methodical instructions to laboratory and practical works and SRS of the article in the proceedings of international conferences and international journals.

I give lectures, conduct practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines of "Microprocessor systems in control systems", "Computer networks and systems", "automation of typical technological processes and production", "Mathematical modeling of automation objects", "Optimal control of automation objects", course design, management of all kinds of practices, in accordance with the load. The content of the training sessions corresponds to the working programs in the relevant disciplines and meets the modern scientific and technical level. Lectures are given at the high scientific and methodical level and are well estimated by students. At practical and laboratory classes the lecture material is fixed by the solution of practical tasks and carrying out experiments on concrete technical devices, and also participates in modernization of educational laboratories of AUD. 206a body of GUK.

I took part in the development of the State standard in the specialty 050702 – automation and control in 2011. On November 8, 2011 we together with the Vice-rector for educational and methodical work and international relations, candidates of technical Sciences, associate Professor Zhusupbekov S. Were the initiators of the opening of the international research center "KazNTU-Siemens" on the basis of the Department of automation and control. In the training center students are trained in the following specialties: "automation and control", "Computer engineering and software". More than 100 diploma student works were performed with the use of microprocessor technology firm Siemens. The training center trained up to 70 engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, as well as retraining and more qualified specialists of leading enterprises of the Republic such as "Kazakhmys", "Kazzinc", "Ispatkarmet", "Philip-Maurice", "Coca-Cola", "Rahat". Realizing the relevance and demand in this center KazNTU allocated additional space, and the company "Siemens" in turn acquired and supplied 7 more training stands and other equipment. This allowed the center to become not only a training center for training students on special features: "automation and control", "Computer hardware and software", "Electric drive and automation of technological complexes", but also a center for research interdepartmental activities. 

Personal contribution to improving the quality of education through the improvement of basic and (or) additional professional educational programs:

As a senior lecturer, I am characterized by knowledge in the field of modern information technologies, as well as the principles of computer and microprocessor technology. During work I show initiative, discipline, communication skills, decency, diligence and respect for employees.

Able to quickly make decisions in emergency situations, takes part in public life of the Department and the Institute. I take an active part in scientific conferences. I have always been distinguished by the exclusive responsibility for the performance of the assigned work, integrity, discipline, openness and goodwill towards colleagues and students. There are remarkable human qualities – benevolence to people, understanding of their problems and concerns, commitment, aspiration to help others in a difficult situation have won for me honor and respect of all who communicates with me. And now I successfully carry out research and methodical work, I participated in public life of University, I carried out educational work with students, I generously share the rich experience with young generation.

Personal contribution to the development of science, solving scientific problems in the relevant field of knowledge:

Over the years, she has been directly involved in the development and implementation of a number of automated control subsystems for enterprises of Kazakhstan. During the reporting period, by order of too, CIPAL in 2007-2009 (a relevant contract) developed and implemented in production: process control system of boiler unit of the city of Atyrau, in 2016 and in the current period – developing a process control water chemistry CHP, Astana; in 2015-2016 (a relevant contract) developed: design documentation "Reconstruction of system of automatic control of water-chemical parameters of the unit "boiler – turbine".  

In 2010, the main sections of the industry standard "Oil trunk pipelines" were developed and delivered to the customer. Automation of process control systems". In 2011 industrial tests of the subsystem of diagnostics of working capacity of compressor stations of UMG Uralsk are given.

In 2011-2012, a working project "Automated process control system (APCS) of the precious metal shop of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP "was developed and delivered to the customer. The results of these projects were reflected in the development of technical solutions of bachelor degree projects in automation and management under the leadership of O. V. Zhirnova.

I am constantly involved in the development of technical and working documentation for metallurgical, food industries, as well as oil and gas, heat and power industries, together with various companies Siemens, Zeinet, Tesla, KIPEL, Verbulak, energy center, Petronaftcom and Yokogawa. Many projects have been implemented and put into production, the rest are at the design and development stage. The result of the implemented works were scientific articles published in various publications. Some of the obtained scientific and practical results are implemented in the educational process. As art. the teacher is characterized by knowledge in the field of information technology, as well as the principles of computer technology. During work shows initiative, discipline, communication skills, decency, diligence and respect for employees and colleagues.

I take part in the international initiative project "Development of the automated system of diagnostics and management of processes of joint burning of biogas and natural gas" together with the Lublin University of technology – as the contractor, 2016/2017 - development of APCS of VHR CHP, Astana by order of kipel LLP since 2015.

In 2018:

- in the international initiative project "Development of the automated system of diagnostics and management of processes of joint burning of biogas and natural gas" together with the Lublin University of technology – as the performer;

- from 2018, works by scientific project of MES RK for grant financing on a subject "Development and test of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of technological process of obtaining the anhydride of phosphorus P2O5 in the experimental-industrial installation NDFs" (AP05130067)

- took part in the competition of the Ministry of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Professional development (last three years):

In the Universities of Kazakhstan and abroad

At enterprises


г.Алматы университет AlmaU

At the junction of software and hardware: the use of mips processors for the inernet of things and design systems-on-chip

22.08-27.08. 2016


ТОО Сименс, г.Алматы


Язык программирования Step 7


г. Алматы, КазНИТУ

Участие в онлайн-семинарах компании Thomson Reuters по ресурсам для научных исследований


г. Алматы, Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью центр «Гауhар»

Изучение английского языка, 72ч

КазНИТУ имени К.И.Сатпаева, г.Алматы


Chips from different sides: seminar from RUSNANO, Nautech and Imagination in Kazakhstan. Digital logic and embedded programming in the era of system-on-chip design



Люблинский политехнический университет г.Люблин, Польша

Automation and Control




г.Люблин, Польша


Международная конференция "Warsztaty doktoranckie WD2016"




Алматы, КазНИТУ

Изучение английского языка, 31,5ч


Алматы, КазНИТУ

Семинар по ресурсам Clarivate Analytics для научных исследований 2,5ч


Астана, Евразийский Национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева

Финал Республиканского фестиваля инновационных идей «Жастар Отанға»


Алматы, КазНИТУ

Мастер-класс Попова «Бизнес-модель в IT» 16ч



Алматы, KazNU Al-Farabi

June 11-14, 2018



РК, г.Алматы

ТОО Сименс

01.03 - 30.04. 20018

Технические средства автоматизации производства Siemens


Алматы, KazNU Al-Farabi

June 11-14, 2018

TOTAL ENERGY SUMMER SCHOOL COURSE: PETROCHEMICALS and PLASTICS Their very fast development, their sustainability by Professor Robert PELLETIER


Место – РК, г.Алматы

ТОО Сименс

01.03 - 14.05. 20018

Программное обеспечение фирмы Siemens


РК, г.Алматы

АО Национальный центр повышения квалификации «Өрлеу»


Современные педагогические технологии в высших учебных заведениях в рамках обновленного содержания образования

РК, г.Алматы

Bim.kz (Revit certified associate)

01.03 - 30.04. 20018

Fusion 360: essential



РК, г.Алматы

Bim.kz (Revit certified associate)

01.03 - 14.05. 20018

Revit 2018: essential



Foreign language skills

Текущий уровень владения

Наименование организатора языковых курсов

Срок обучения

Документ об окончании


обучения в часах


Владение казахским языком (В1)

Учебный центр «ALEM», г.Алматы





Английский язык (С1)

Super english educational centre

Has mastered the Engineering Course



320ч ежегодно





Ф.И.О. соавторов

Вид публикации (тезис/статья)

Данные об издании (наименование, номер издания, год издания, номер страницы)

В какие базы входит издание*

Цитируемость научной публикации (тезис/статья)



Optyczna metoda diagnostyki gazu syntezowego z biomasy

Sławomir Cięszczyk, Paweł Komada, Oxana Zhirnova, Batyrbek Suleymenov



В издании Kongres Ochrony Środowiska, 2016

Thomson Reuters



Pomiar temperatury w procesie zgazowania biomasy

Tomasz Zyska, Waldemar Wójcik, Imanbek Baglan, Oxana Zhirnova


В издании Kongres Ochrony Środowiska, 2016

Thomson Reuters



A modeling and diagnostics process combined popping of biogas and natural gas to reduction of greenhouse gases

O.V. Zhirnova, S.E. Zhumabek, E.A. Kulakova, A.Z. Toygozhinova


Международные Сатпаевские чтения «Конкурентоспособность технической науки и образования», посвященные 25-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан, 2016




Моделирование и расчет процесса ректификации бензина с использованием программы MATHLAB

А.А. Тилеубаева, О.В. Жирнова,

А. Б. Жаханов,


Международные Сатпаевские чтения «Конкурентоспособность технической науки и образования», посвященные 25-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан, 2016




Разработка автоматизированной системы диагностики и управления процессом сжигания биогаза

О.В. Жирнова, Е.А. Кулакова, Б.Т. Иманбек, Н.Соммер


Научный журнал «Вестник КазНИТУ», 2016




Разработка и исследование математической модели информационно-управляющей системы сжигания биогаза с дискретным регулированием и ее реализация с помощью пакета программ MathLab

О.В. Жирнова, А.А. Тилеубаева, А. Жаханов, С.Жумабек


Научный журнал «Вестник КазНИТУ», 2016




Up-to-date technologies of fiber bragg gratings production and their critical parameters

Kalizhanova, A.U.,

Kozbakova, A.K.,

Koshaganova G.,

Aitkulov, Z.S.,

Zhirnova, O.V.


science conference





Development of an automated diagnostics and control system for biogas combustion processes

Zhirnova O.V., Kulakova E.A., Zhakhanov A.B., Zhumabek S.E.


science conference





Software application design and 3D modeling for evacuation of people from educational institution 

Amirgaliyev, E.N.,

Kalizhanova, A.U.,

Kozbakova, A.K.,

Koshaganova G.,

Aitkulov, Z.S.,

Zhirnova, O.V.


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

2016. - Vol. 84. - № 1. - P. 133-139




Моделирование, управление и диагностика процесса совместного сжигания биогаза и природного газа для снижения выброса парниковых газов


Б.Т. Иманбек,

А.Ж. Тойгожинова,

Ж. Жакипов,

Т. Туриканов


Вестник Автоматизации. Инженерно-технический журнал. №4 (54), 2016, с.29-30

ISSN 1810-8626


IF 0.4 в КазБЦ




Синтез интеллектуальной подсистемы оперативной диагностики турбоагрегатов тепловых электростанций.

Сулейменов Ал.Б., Сулейменов Б.А., Сулейменов Айт.Б.,

Абдигалиев С.К., Акбасов А.


Вестник Автоматизации. Инженерно-технический журнал. №3 (53), 09.2016, с.15-16

ISSN 1810-8626



IF 0.4 в КазБЦ



Разработка системы оптимального управления процессов сжигания биогаза.

Сагадиева А.М., Сулейменов Б.А., Абдигалиев С.К., Акбасов А.



Вестник Автоматизации. Инженерно-технический журнал. №2 (52), 06.2016, с.36-37

ISSN 1810-8626


IF 0.4 в КазБЦ



2017/2018 уч.год


Construction of mathematical model the combustion of biogas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Suleimenov B.A., Toigozhinova A.Zh., Wojcik W.T


News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series Geology and technical sciences. №1 (421), Vol.1. p. 177-185, 2017. ISSN 2518-170Х (online)

ISSN 2224-5278 (print) c




Modeling of processes in the zone of corona discharge ionization

Bahtaev Sh., Toigozhinova A.Zh., Wojcik W.T.,

Suleimenov B.A., Koshimbayev Sh.K


News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series Geology and technical sciences. №1 (421), Vol.1. p. 197-204, 2017. ISSN 2518-170Х (online)

ISSN 2224-5278 (print) Scopus





Construction of mathematical model the combustion of biogas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Suleimenov B.A., Toigozhinova A.Zh., Wojcik W.T


News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series Geology and technical sciences. №1 (421), Vol.1. p. 226-235, –Алматы, 2017

ISSN 2518-170Х (online)

ISSN 2224-5278 (print) Scopus




Development of automated installation for air ozonization in the working volume

Bahtaev S.,

Toigozhinova A.Zh., Seytimbetov A.M., Tileubaeva А.А.


News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series Geology and technical sciences. №6 (420), Vol.6. p. 136-145, –Алматы, 2016.

ISSN 2518-170Х (online)

ISSN 2224-5278 (print) Scopus






Построение математической модели процессов газификации биомассы

В. Войцик,

Б.Т. Иманбек,

А.Х. Ибраев


Журнал «Новости науки Казахстана», выпуск 1(131),  с. 67-87, –2017года

АО «НЦНТИ» (ISSN:1560-5655) Импакт-фактор: 0,029




Моделирование процесса озонирования воздуха в рабочем объеме при сжигании биогаза

Ш.А. Бахтаев,

А.Ж. Тойгожинова,

W. Wojcik,

Б.А. Сулейменов,

Ш.К. Кошимбаев


Высшая школа Казахстана. Международное научно-педагогическое издание №1(1), с. 280-289, – Алматы 2017.

ISSN 1560-1749




Построение математической модели процессов сжигания биогаза

Б.А. Сулейменов,

А.Ж. Тойгожинова,

W. Wojcik,

Т.А. Сандибеков


Высшая школа Казахстана. Международное научно-педагогическое издание №1(1), с. 267-279, – Алматы 2017.

ISSN 1560-1749




Development of an automated diagnostics and control system for biogas combustion processes

Oxana Zhirnova


Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska

ISSN: 2083-0157 | E-ISSN: 2391-6761 | ICV: 100,00 (2018) | MNiSW: 7

 Published: 2017-12-21

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.7241

GICID: 01.3001.0010.7241

Issue: IAPGOŚ 2017; 7 (4): 15-19





Synthesis of intellectual subsystems of dynamic diagnosis of the condition of turbine units thermal power


Alibek Suleimenov,   Batyrbek Suleimenov,   Oxana Zhirnova,   Aituar Suleimenov   


Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska

ISSN: 2083-0157 | E-ISSN: 2391-6761 | ICV: 100,00 (2018) | MNiSW: 7

IAPGOŚ 2017; 7 (2): 40-43;

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0010.4836 



2018/2019 уч.год


Synthesis of the equipment health management system of the turbine units' of thermal power stations

Batyrbek A. Suleimenov

Laura A. Sugurova

Alibek B. Suleimenov

Aituar B. Suleimenov

Oxana V. Zhirnova



Mechanics and Industry 19(2):209

Jan 2018

DOI: 10.1051/meca/2017056

ISBN: 2257-7777

RG Journal Impact: 0.30
