By Турышев Айтмухамет Касымбайулы on 24.01.2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


K Turishev has worked higher educational institutions since 1991. Total experience - 44 years. Including 35 teaching experience. He conduct lectures and practice in subjects such as Phonetics of modern Kazakh language; lexicology and phraseology of the Kazakh language; Historical grammar of Kazakh language; History of Kazakh literature; Philosophical and methodological issues of language and literature; Actual problems of linguistics; Methods of teaching literature in high school; Introduction to Turkic philology.

Only in 2014: The monograph of Mashkhur-Jusip’s precious is 460-pages, the monograph Mashkhur-Jusip’s steps is 387-pages; the knowledge of Mashkhur-Jusip, the monograph consist of 637-pages; Vocabulary of the works of Mashkhur-Jusip is 233-pages; Kazakh linguistics, philosophical and methodological issues has given to the publication. It is 156 page guide (with the definition of 254).

The director of the scientific and practical center of Mashkhur (2004-2014). As a result of his hard work, there was published 1-20 volume edition of the works of Mashkhur-Jusip. Also four-volume edition were translated into Russian, three-volume edition translated into English. A lot of works were written which was connected with Mashkhur-Jusip such as diploma work, monographs, master's degree, research projects, etc. He had a speech in pavlodar regional radio and television for the last five years, and it is more than 50 messages on various topics.

He has participated in a various public lectures and in community service, took an active part in the conferences as a member of "Kazakh language" "Kazakh language" society, "the Department of Regional Languages", "City of the Department of Language and Culture" in Pavlodar region since 1991. Besides he takes part in national and international scientific-practical conferences and makes reports. His works published 200 newspapers and 811 scientific articles in various conferences. A member of the Council thesis in Eurasian National University, 2014 (commandment №347, 09. 04. 2013). Aytmukamet Kasymbayuly was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences №0000249. Diploma of Academy №221. By the decision of the General Meeting on September 22, 2006, the Academy of Social Sciences, he is elected a member of the Academy of Social Sciences (ACADEMICIAN). He was also awarded Professor of Linguistics, №0000391. Diploma of Academy №1292. The International Academy of Informatization’s decision in the general meeting on November 8, 2012 was elected Turishev Aytmukamet Kasymbayuly a full member of the International Informatization Academy (ACADEMIC).