By Нургабылов Умирзак Шарапович on 06.08.2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Nurgabylov Umirzak Sharapovich was born on November 28, 1964 in the region of Kzyl-Orda. He has got a higher education, and he is a candidate of technical sciences. In 2009, he defended his thesis on “Improving the efficiency of reducing road dust emissions on intra-cityhighways” in the dissertational council at the Kazakh National Technical University.

NurgabylovUmirzakSharapovich’swork activity was started in 1981 in the construction brigade.After graduation of Almaty Architecture and Construction Institute in the specialty “Heat Supply and Ventilation”, he continued his work activity as an engineer at this university.He worked his way from being an engineer to the vice-rector for administrative and organizational work. He currently holds the position of the vice-rector for administrative and organizational work in the Joint Stock Company “Kazakh Abylai khan University of International Relations and World Languages”.

Responsibility, efficiency and organization allow him to combine a large amount of social work with pedagogical activity, that is, NurgabylovUmirzakSharapovich actively combines administrative work with pedagogical activity throughout the years of his career. He also (0.5 rates) works as an assistant professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology.

He often takes an active role in republican, international seminars and conferences. He conducts lectures and practical courses on the basis of safety of life, supervises writing course and diploma papers.His lectures are distinguished by a deep scientific and theoretical content, practical orientation, and pedagogical mastery. UmirzakSharapovich pays great attention to the methodical accompaniment of the educational process, where he successfully applies interactive teaching methods that meet the requirements of the credit technology of education.

He is a full member (academician) of the Academy in the section“Safety of Life” of the International Academy of Ecology Sciences and Safety of Life.

Nurgabilov U.Sh. is an author of more than 40 scientific articles, manuals and 5 preliminary patents in the scientific and methodical sphere. From 2000 till present he is the chairman of the commission of the precinct election commission, also is a member of the party “NurOtan”.

UmirzakSharapovich is conscientious, responsible, disciplined, tolerant, enjoys the honorable respect and authority among colleagues and students.He actively participates in the university social life. It is also necessary to note his active life position, demanding for himself and others. His work in solving educational process and scientific tasks is distinguished by maturity.

Nurgabilov U.Sh. was awarded with a Letter of Acknowledgment for the assistance in carrying out activities aimed at strengthening the international peace and interconfessional consent in the Kamchatka region,for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan,the Order of Merit in Science, for a personal significant contribution to the management process, outstanding achievements in work, devotion the national certificate “Specialist of the Year-2014”, the breastplate “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, an honorary mark to the 70th anniversary of “Kazakh AbylaikhanUniversity of International Relations and World Languages”