20.02.1953 was born to the year in Shemonaiha, ВКО, Kazakhstan.

 Nationality is Kazakh.

With 1960 for 1970 studied in High School №221 Shemonaiha

With a 1970 g for 1975 studied in the Novosibirsk electrical engineering institute (today - NGTU). Faculty - the electrical engineering. Speciality: the electric stations.

Marital status - married; children - two; grandchildren - two.

Presently I live in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Love and wisdom of my parents, that they instiled and passed, conduct and inspire me during all my life on the way of forward motion to the high morally-spiritual common to all mankind values and height of self-knowledge.

Studied physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and many other sciences in the Novosibirsk electrical engineering institute. School of Life to "alteration" passed, working as an engineer-adjuster, in the flow of 15-ти years, in the best Soviet firms - in the Specialized managements on adjusting of electrical engineering equipment of the electric stations and substations of high tension, trusts of the Allied value; participated on editing and adjusting of power objects of Siberia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia, Kazakhstan. Co-operated with wonderful, interesting people, natives from the different regions of large country of Advices - by the graduating students of many Institutions of higher learning, and also I had wonderful and wonderful tutors.

As well as all, in 90th outlived "alteration". Changed thinking stereotypes and psyche; passed to Universal energyinformative attitude; it was in the search of sense of life and Way of decision of problems of daily occurence. There was all are both successes and failures, and depressions. In a present "now" did the choice of the new destiny and sense in life, there are not some internal torments in the soul.

From 2013, combining productive work, I carry on scientific activity. Author of series of scientifically-cognitive books: "Engineer-philosophical look to reality" (two books, 2013); "Another Way of Self-knowledge" (2014); Project "Way of transforming and harmony" (2016); "To Success, Health and Longevity through harmony of the Soul and Body (2017);

From September, 2017 and for the real moment I work and completed Program "Deserving Life is High Aim" is Academy of "Longevity and upgrading of Life".

On all works protected in Ministry of justice of Р.К. and got Testifying to state registration of rights on the object of copyright.

Program "Deserving Life is High Aim" - Academy of "Longevity and upgrading of Life" consists of three levels, each of 7 LESSONS.  On all LESSONS addition is worked out, on a chart: question-answers. In the near time this Program will start over the Internet on all post-soviet space.

A distinctive feature of my works is in that their theme is related to the present and future of humanity - intended in a help to all, who wishes changes in life, searches Way of decision of problems of daily occurence, even at local level of the family and really intend to change the scenario of the life, and children in positive direction; all those, who experiences difficulty in determination of the destiny and sense of life in this transitional period of New Epoch in a great deal unknown; who "wakes" up all and disturbed, that on Earth a danger threatens their existence.

As a researcher I position as a scientist-inventor, enlightener, spiritual healer. Generalizing, with inherent to me engineering pragmatism, Knowledge and Information about a man, humanity, Universe - methodized them, the row of the reasonable deductions expounded.

Unique and exclusive methodologies are worked out are Breach Technologies on transforming and transition from life of survival to creative Life, on the basis of Creative Law-science of Reason.

My scientific aim: inlightening and help in "awakening" of man, to assist creation of the safe World, where sense and destiny reign.



With kind regards, Bahtiyar Toleutaev. 04. 05.2018