Umirov Sandibek Karabekovich, was born on April 27, 1990 in Aktobe city.

My father - Umirov Karabek, born in 1947, has a secondary technical education, worked as a foreman in road construction (DMSU, KazakhAutoDor), now a pensioner.

My mother - Umirova Kulpan Khamitovna, born in 1951, had higher education, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor. Worked as a teacher at KazATK (Aktobe), KazGYuA (Aktobe), NUR University (Aktobe), AVLUGA (Aktyubinsk Military Airborne School). She died in 2012.

I am married since 2013. My wife – Umirova Kamila Orazovna, born in 1989, has master degree in “Project Management”.

In 2008, I’m graduated from the Abay school-lyceum in the T. Ryskulov village, Tulkubas district, South Kazakhstan region. Final test result: 95 out of 125.

In 2008 I entered to KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev on grant basis. Major - 050702 - "Automation and management." In 2012 I received a bachelor's degree (successful diploma), GPA: 3.57.

During my studies at the bachelor's degree I was an activist, I took an active part in the life of the university.

I worked on a voluntary basis in the Trade Union Committee of Students as a System Administrator. Participated in the org. committee at the events in the university.

I was a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE KNTU SC) at KazNTU. I was one of the organizers of the annual oil and gas forum at KazNTU. At the forum I received the nomination "Idea Generator".

I also was an activist of Institute of Automation and Telecommunications, where I studied. Three years I participated in the festival KazNTU Spring (vocal and instrumental band), two years I participated in the Russian League of KVN. There is an article about me "The Life of Wonderful Freshman" in the university newspaper RAS.

Participated in summer internship program at Schluberger Logelco Inc.

Since 2012 until nowadays I am working in Hewlett-Packard Enterprise as a Customer engineer. Participated in technical training courses in France. I also taking active role in company life, playing the guitar on vocal-instrumental band with my colleagues at annual NY parties just for fun.

In 2015, I entered to master degree to KazNITU im.K.I.Satpayev on grant basis. Major -  6M070400 - "Computer technology and software". Successfully presented my thesis in 2017 and received a master's degree in engineering. GPA: 3.86

In 2017 I received certification HPECI (HPE Certified Instructor). Delivering technical trainings related with HPE server equipment

In 2017 I entered to PhD to International IT University (Almaty). Major - 6D070400 - "Computer technology and software". Today I’m writing my thesis.