Svambayev Amanbek, was born 21 August 1948 in the village of Kara-Kiya, Zharma district of Semipalatinsk region.

1966 to 1967 worked as a shepherd in the sheep-sovkhoz Pervomayskiy, Zharma district.

 In 1967 entered the Semipalatinsk   Zootechnic-veterinary Institute, faculty of veterinary medicine, graduated in 1972.

In 1972 went to work as a senior physician epizootology, Novosulbinskoi the district veterinary station of Semipalatinsk region.

In 1973 was appointed as a chief physician of the district Novosulbinskoi veterinary station of Semipalatinsk region.                                                                                                                                                                          

Candidate of master of sports of the USSR in boxing.       

In 1975-78, studied at graduate school in Moscow on specialty 16. 00. 04 - veterinary pharmacology with toxicology in the All-Union State Institute of Scientific Control of Certification and Standardization. Moscow. Awarded an academic degree of the candidate of veterinary sciences on the problem 16.00.04. - "Pharmacology with toxicology".

Studied at the All-Union State Institute of Scientific Control of Certification and Standardization in Moscow.

In 1978 - 80, worked as a junior researcher Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Premixes of the All-Union State Institute of Scientific Control of Certification and Standardization in Moscow.

In 1980 - 84 worked as a senior researcher Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Premixes of the All-Union State Institute of Scientific Control of Certification and Standardization in Moscow.

In 1984-86 worked as a head of the Department. Department of Mycotoxicology, Ecology, Radiobiology of the Central Laboratory Ministry of Procurement of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

In 1986 worked as an associate professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of Semipalatinsk zootechnical veterinary institute, Semipalatinsk city.

In 1986 - 88 was invited to Kazagroprom. Worked in Glavzhivprom. Almaty city.

In 1988 worked as a Director of the Republican Production Veterinary Laboratory Kazagroprom, in Almaty.

In 1988 worked as a Director of the scientific and innovative cooperative laboratory "Biostimulator", Almaty region. The Agro-Industrial Committee. Almaty city.

In 1993-2002 worked as a General Director of the State Scientific-Research Control Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Almaty city.

In 1996 defended doctoral dissertation in Voronezh city, was awarded a doctorate in biological sciences. 16. 00. 04 - "Pharmacology with Toxicology".

In 2002 worked as a Director of the Center for Scientific Examination and Audit of the "Akparat-Ortalik" under the Prosecutor General's Office Almaty city.

The scientific works devoted to the problems: biological chemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, toxicology, mycology, ecology, certification, standardization and metrology, pharmaceutical chemistry, nutrition, food safety, radiation toxicology, physiology, labor protection, emergencies, radiometric and dosimetric devices and equipment, radiation, certification of standardization and metrology. Have patent inventions and copyright certificates.

From 2003 worked as a Professor in KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty University of Energy and Communication, Kazakhstan Nuclear University.

In 2007 – 2008 worked as a Chief ecologist of the mining company Ltd "MERCURY TRADE".

From October 20, 2008, have been giving a lecture at the Republican Center for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the theme: "Providing radiation safety", "Ensuring safety from potent toxic chemical and biological substances" for leading personnel of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From 10.01.2011, worked in Almaty Technological University as a Professor of the Department of Food Safety.

From 08.02.2011, worked in Almaty Technological University as a scientific leader of research and food safety laboratories of the Research Institute of Food Technology.

Since 01.04.2011, worked as a Director of the Center for Quality and Safety of Food Products in Almaty Technological University.

From 30.01.2012 till August 26, 2014, worked in Almaty Technological University, as a professor in the Department of "Safety and quality of food products".

Since 29.08.2008 work Senior Researcher Ltd "FTB Company".

Since 2010 work as a director of Ltd "FTB Company".

I am Academician of a number of academies.

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