By Вигдорчик Михаил Ильич on 22.01.2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Vyhdorchyk Mikhail Ilich, was born on February, 11, 1964 in Odesa, Ukraine. In 1971 went out into the 1th class of high school № 43 Odesa. In 1979 making off 8 classes, entered Odesa medical school № 3. In 1983 finished him with a difference, was called on urgent service in an army.

Passed service in/ч 97617, Central Asiatic territorial department, п. the May ponds ALMATА. In 1985 was discharged from the Armed Forces on completion of tenure of employment. From June, 1985 worked as a departure medical assistant on Central substation of first-aid Odesa. In September, 1985 acted on the evening preparatory separation of the Odesa medical institute. In August, 1986 passing an final exams, acted on the 1th course of curative faculty of the Odesa medical institute. In 1992 made off the Odesa medical institute, curative faculty on speciality "curative business". It was accepted on work as a doctor-intern, 2ГКБ, center of arrhythmias of heart.

In 1992 acted on the faculty of psychoactivator of the institute of psycho-analysis, that finished in 1994 a "psychoactivator school, professional, is clinical" on speciality. Qualification " was appropriated psychologist". In 1994 passed an exams an extern and acted on the 3th course of faculty of psycho-analysis of the institute of psycho-analysis that made off in 1996 on speciality a psycho-analysis". Qualification was appropriated "psychologist-psycho-analyst". 1994-1996 work as a scientific consultant of the Odesa regional center of vocational orientation of population. 1996-2001 years work as a research worker, senior staff scientist managing the laboratory of psihofisiologi of labour УНИИ of medicine of transport. In 1999 protected dissertation "Methods of psychodynamic diagnostics in complex medical examination of seamen" on speciality "aviation, space, marine medicine".

2001-2006, work as a director on the personnel of the South region of network " of Сильпо". 2006-2008, work as a director on the personnel of ТD «Levada». 2008-2009, work in quality business-trainer of company " Obolon". 2010 - 2012, work as a director on the personnel of LTD. " МИРС" 2012-2014, work as a director on the personnel of holding " Atlas". 2014 and for present tense leader of creative group " CONSUL". 2015 and for present tense work as a psychologist of LTD. "Getwin". From 1995 to present, realization of teaching seminars tense on a professional psychoactivator and professional selection, management on aims in Ukraine, Russia, Moldavia, Israel. Author-producer of programmatic psyhodiagnostik complex "Consul-integrator", that is widely used by business and power corporations. Author 7 monographs and great numbers of reasons on application of psyhodiagnostik methodologies.