Date and place of birth
05.10.1951y. Almaty area, Sarkand region, village Pokotilovka
Education indicating the high school, graduated from the specialty
"Kirov Kazakh State University" in 1976 on specialty "political economy"
Degree, academic status (including date of award)
1. In 1984, May 4 successfully defended her thesis, she received a diploma candidate of economic sciences (EC number 017806, Moscow, October 24, 1984.)
2. In the 1992 decision of the Committee on Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy Russion Federations I was awarded the academic title of associate professor (control number 005272, Moscow, on September 17, 1992 № 1095d).
3. In 2005 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis, the decision of the Committee on Oversight and certification in the field education and Science I was awarded the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences (from December 22, 2005, Protocol № 7, № 0000253 ҒD).
4. In the 2008 decision of the Committee on Oversight and certification in the medium of Education and Science I was awarded the academic title of professor in economics (PR number 0000391b on March 26, 2008, protocol number 3).
Position (at present)
Professor at the universitu of Zhetysu state university naved after I.Zhansugurova
Thesis (specialtycode) «Использование закона социалистического накопления в условиях развитого социализма (на примере сельского хозяйства казахской ССР»(08.00.01 – политическая экономика) – 1984 .
Subjectdoctoralthesis (specialtycode) Рыноккаөтукезеңіндегішаруашылықтыңжаңаформаларыныңқалыптасуы(Қазақстанаграрлыққатынастарматериалдарыбойынша) – 08.00.01 Экономикалық теория, 2005.
Number of scientific publications (publications, monographs, textbooks)
I have 99 scientific papers, including a monograph, more than 20 textbooks, 2 electronic textbook 45science articles in the WAC publications, 32 scientific articles.
Училась в очной форме аспирантуры, защитила докторскую диссертацию. Участвовала в разных научных семинарах, симпозиумах, курылтаях и получила сертификаты. Это:
№ |
Сертификат |
Название курса ИПК, стажировки |
Место прохождения ИПК стажировка |
Сроки прохождения ИПК стажировки |
1 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
+ |
г.Урумчи, Китай Хиньянский университет финансов и экономики |
06.09.2007 09.09.2007 |
2 |
+ |
ВТО: проблемы и их исследование |
г.Алматы Университет международного бизнеса |
07.11.2007 09.11.2007 |
3 |
+ |
Методика подготовки и проведения лекций по экономическим дисциплинам |
г.Алматы КазЭУ им.Т.Рыскулова |
21.04.2008 30.04.2008 |
4 |
+ |
Методические подходы к целевой разработке проетов в рамках программы Темпус |
г.Талдыкорган ЖГУ им.И. Жансугурова |
18.03.2008 20.03.2008 |
5 |
+ |
Болон процесіндегі академиялық ұтқырлық |
г.Талдыкорган ЖГУ им.И. Жансугурова |
11.05.2010 15.05.2010 |
6 |
+ |
Қашықтықтан оқыту технологиясы бойынша оқу үрдісіні ұйымдастыру |
г.Талдыкорган ЖГУ им.И. Жансугурова |
01.09.2010 15.09.2010 |
7 |
+ |
Халықаралық аккредиттеу: мәселелері мен перспективасы |
г.Талдыкорган ЖГУ им.И. Жансугурова |
25.11.2011 26.11.2011 |
8 |
+ |
Экономика және қаржы сауаттылығының негізі JA – ақшадан да артық |
г.Талдыкорган СШ №13 Junior Achievement Қазақстан қоғамдық қор Педагог кадрлар біліліктілігін арттыратын және қайта даярлайтын институты |
27.01.2011 30.01.2011 |
9 |
+ |
«Ғалымдар одағы» Республикалық қоғамдық бірлестігі Ғылым техника және білім саласындағы зор үлесі үшін берілді |
г.Алматы Ғылым академиясы «Ғалымдар одағы» РҚБ |
маусым 2008 |
10 |
+ |
Обладатель государственного гранта «Лучший преподаватель вуза на 2007 год» |
г.Астана Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан |
08.01.2007 протокол №5 |
11 |
+ |
Номинация «Преподаватель года» |
гТалдыкорган ЖГУ им.И. ансугурова |
декабрь 2009 |
12 |
+ |
Присуждена ученая степень доктора экономических наук решением Комитета по надзору и аттестации в сфере образования и науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан |
г.Астана |
22.12.2005 потокол №7 |
13 |
+ |
Присвоено ученое звание профессора решением Комитета по надзору и аттестиации в сфере образования и науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан |
г.Астана |
26.03.2008 протокол №3 |
Awards and honors (including date)
1. November 20, 1998 for their outstanding achievements in the field of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the Badge "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan», № 90 327.
2. 28.11.2006year awarded the Diploma of RK for contributing to the development of science and education in honor of the 15th anniversary of Independence of the RK.
3. I am a state grant owner "The best lecturer of the university" in 2007. Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 8, 2007 № 5).
4. In 2008 she was awarded the medal table for the textbooks "Қаржы", "Ақшажәнебанктер" in competition "Білімсалдары", organized by the Republican Public association "Union of researchers" and a diploma for his contribution.
- 2009 - Winner of the category "Lecturers of the Year" Zhetysu state university
- In 2011 she was awarded the Diploma in honor of the Governor of the 20th anniversary of Independence of the RK.
Work Experience:
Month and year of entry/departure
Occupation |
Location and institution |
07.1969 |
10.1970 |
care after calf farm village Kirov district SarkandTaldykorgan area. |
Kirov district SarkandTaldykorgan area. |
11.1970 |
08.1971 |
listener internal branch of the Kazakh State University |
Almaty |
08.1971 |
07.1976 |
student of political economy specialty department's philosophy, economics |
Almaty |
08.1976 |
Assistant chair of Marxism – Leninism |
Taldykorgan |
11.1979 |
04.1984 |
of full-time post-graduate training in speciality "political economy" of the economic institute of Kazakh SSR |
04.1984 |
Senior lecturer Department of "philosophy and polit.ekonomika" Taldykorgan Institute named after I.Zhansugurova |
Taldykorgan |
09.1990 |
Docent "philosophy and polit.ekonomika" |
10.1995 |
10.1995 |
Docent "philosophy and ekonom.teoriya" |
01.1996 |
Associate Professor of "Economics and Management" |
02.2000 |
Head of Department "Economics and Management" |
09.2003 |
Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance in Zhetysu state university |
Taldykorgan |
05.2004 |
08.2004 |
doctoral specialty 08.00.01 economics of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi |
Almaty |
09.2004 |
09.2006 |
Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance in Zhetysu state university
Taldykorgan |
09.2006 |
01.2007 |
Head of Department "Accounting and Finance in Zhetysu state university |
01.2007 |
06.2008 |
passed a competition for the post of head of department "Accounting and Finance" in Jetysu state university |
06.2008 |
present |
Professor Department of "Finance" |
Experience in specialty: 42 Total experience 48
The attitude to the duties and military title is not obligated to military
Marital status at the time of filling in the personal leaf
Daughter - SultanovAzharAydarovna - born in 1981
Son - Sultans of Altai Aidarovich - born 1989
Number certificate personality Republic of Kazakhstan № 025218006
Date of issue 10.06.2010 Identification code 511 005 400 914
Home address (district, city, street, etc.), telephone number
City TaldykorganRustembekova street № 32 tel: 21-60-78; 87013557498