By Сихимбаев Серик Джолдасбекович on 14.05.2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Serik D. Sikhimbayev, was born on June 18 in 1961 year in the city of Zhambul (now Taraz). In 1978, after graduating from high school in Zhanatas, Dzhambul region, he began his career as an electric welder of the construction and installation department.

He graduated from the Karatau branch of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named by V. I. Lenin, having received the qualification of a civil engineer on the specialty "Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation". As a young specialist he worked as a foreman in Zhezkazgan. He passed an urgent military service in the communications forces in the Primorsky Territory, completed short-term courses for the training of reserve officers. Then he worked in Zhanatas as a master, a boiler house energy engineer at an industrial enterprise.

In 1992 he entered the postgraduate course at the Moscow State University of Civil-Engineering. In 1995 he defended his thesis. After graduation he worked in Moscow in NPO Resource in various positions. In the same period, he entered the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which he completed as an external student and received the qualification "lawyer".

Since September 2001, Serik D. has worked at the Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil-Engineering, Kazakh-American University, and the International Educational Corporation. He started from the position of the senior teacher of the department "Heat and Gas Supply", then an associate professor of the same department, was the executive secretary of the Academy Admissions Committee, the Registrar.

Since September 2008 - Vice-President of Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil-Engineering and since 2010 - Rector of the International Educational Corporation.

At the present time Sikhimbayev S.D works as vice-president of the Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

He is a member of the political party "Nur Otan" (2004).

Serik D. has more than forty scientific works and methodical works. His merits are noted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professional associations, the city administration. He was awarded with badges honored Worker of Education of the RK, Honored Worker of the RK, Silver medal of A. Baitursуnov, Jubilee medal "25 years of independence of RK", honorary diplomas of akims of the city and the region.