Slavenko Dmitriy Vladimirovich

Education background:

2005-2005 Bachelor's programme. Karaganda Economic University. Bachelor’s degree

of Finance. Specialization - banking operations.

2009-2011 Master degree. National Research University Higher

School of Economics. Master’s degree of Sociology. Specialization - Demography.

2011-2014 Postgraduate Studies. Moscow State University named after

M.V.  Lomonosov Faculty of Economics. Specialization - Labor



Work experience:

January 2018 - present time - the "Skills and Jobs" Project Management Unit. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with technical and financial support from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank group).

Position: National Qualification System specialist.

Duties, functions: Ensuring overall coordination of the work of stakeholders involved in the process of developing and improving the National Qualifications System, ensuring daily implementation of relevant activities, including planning, developing all terms of reference, supervising and preparing reports, as well as monitoring the services provided by the involved companies and their results.

June 2017 - December 2017 - Atameken NCE RK Center of Competence LLP

Position: Member of the analytical group on the integration of the tools of Atameken NCE RK, on the implementation of information and consulting support and training of entrepreneurs.

Duties, functions: Development of a concept for combining the tools of Atameken NCE RK, for the implementation of information and consulting support and training of entrepreneurs. Directly in the functional responsibilities was the development of sectoral frameworks of qualifications and professional standards, elaboration of legal issues of association, as well as coordination of actions between members of the Analytical Group, Atameken NCE RK and other stakeholders.


January 2017 - December 2017 - the The National Association of Educational and Scientific Organizations ALE.

Position: Deputy Director

Duties, functions: Representing the interests of the members of the Association in state bodies, Atameken NCE RK, passing the accreditation of the ALE in NCE RK, MES RK.  Development of sectoral qualifications frameworks, training programs in the framework of projects aimed at developing the industry, organizing and conducting seminars, meetings and field meetings, HR activities and other issues.


February 2015 - Present - SANA Eurasia Public Foundation - The Public Foundation is a working body of the Council for the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship Atameken NCE RK.

Position: Deputy Chairman.

Duties, functions: Member of the working groups of the Scientific Production Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development of National professional standards. Ensuring the activities of the Council for the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship Atameken NCE RK. In addition, he took an active part in curriculum development, SQF, organization and holding of seminars, meetings and retreats, HR activities, official correspondence and other issues.


October 2014- February 2015 - NECK Atameken - Department for the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship

Position: 1 category expert

Duties, functions: Ensuring the activities of the Council for the Development of Youth Entrepreneurship Atameken NCE RK, Project activities for the development and support of start-up competitions. Realization of projects (Republican Business Case Competition “Kemel Kasipker”, Republican Entrepreneurship Championship among schoolchildren “SAGE Kazakhstan” and other projects) aimed at developing youth entrepreneurship, organizing and conducting seminars, meetings and retreats and other issues.


October 2013 - October 2014 - Secretariat of the Committee for Social Sphere and Social Partnership Atameken NCE RK.

Position: 1 category expert

Duties, functions: Development of guidelines for the development and execution of professional standards in the framework of participation in a working group under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, ensuring the activities of the Committee, participation in other collegial consultative and advisory bodies under central government bodies, working groups, expert councils established on issues affecting the rights and obligations of entrepreneurs in the industry in the context of developing social initiatives, organizing and conducting seminars, meetings and retreats and other issues.


December 2012 - September 2013 - International Organization for Migration. Moscow (IOM Moscow Office) (

Position: IC Consultant

Duties, functions: Establishment of cases of citizens appealing to the IOM office in Moscow. Coordination between state authorities, NGOs and Embassies. Legal advice to citizens. Organization and holding of seminars and retreats.


October 2012 - July 2013 - Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, Faculty of Global Processes (

Position: Deputy Chairman of the Admissions Committee

Duties, functions: Organizing and conducting the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, organizing and conducting the faculty company for the Faculty, introducing massive databases.


June 2011 - January 2012 - InterCaravan-KZ LLP

Position: Leading economist

Duties, functions: Economic analysis of the prospects for sales

of products. Cooperation with customs and tax authorities. Wholesale

customs clearance products.


October 2010 - May 2011 - National Research University

Higher School of Economics ( - Educational Institutions

Position: Researcher of the Department for Cooperation with the CIS

and Baltic States.

Duties, functions: Assistance and advice to students in the field

of education, stay in Moscow. organization and holding of student

events (Olympiads, off-site conferences, winter educational



April 2010 - August 2011 - National Research University

"Higher School of Economics" ( - 

Position: Chairman of the student council of the University dormitory

Duties, functions: Promotion of consolidated requests and wishes

of students to the leadership of the university in the field of creating comfortable living

conditions for the student: Resolving conflict situations between university management and students; Representation and protection of interests of students before the administration of the University; The organization of cultural events and other issues.


September 2009 - June 2010 - National Research University

Higher School of Economics (Moscow,

Position: Intern researcher at the laboratory

of socio-demographic forecasting

Duties, functions: Work in international databases (analysis,

grouping of data) on mortality, fertility, nuptiality, migration.

(,, etc.), compilation of tables of

mortality, migration, fertility based on the data obtained.


January 2008 - July 2009 - Youth Parliament of the Karaganda region

Position: Deputy, Chairman of the Committee on Socio-Cultural Development.

Duties, functions: Creation and promotion of legislative documents

in state bodies of the region. Coordination of communication with the public.

Cooperation with government agencies in the field of education, improving the lives of young people in the region.


April 2006 - July 2009 - Invalids of Kazakhstan Public Foundation

Position: Director of Public Relations

Duties, functions: Coordination of interaction with government

agencies, non-profit organizations. Interaction with commercial

organizations on the issue of financing the fund in the form of

charitable donations.



Additional Information:

He was awarded letters of appreciation from the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atameken, the International Organization for Migration (UN), as well as other international and national organizations.

December 2015 - graduate of The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) - professional exchange program in the field of "Social and youth entrepreneurship" (Organized by the US Department of State).

Foreign language - English (intermediate).

Personal qualities: performance capabilities, perseverance, dedication,

thoroughness, accuracy, ability to work in a team, strong study capability.