Candida  of veterinary sciences


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Research interests

Veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and the Molko.

Education: In 1995 he graduated from S.Seifullin Kazakh agro technical University

in 2010 defended the candida  dissertation at the joint dissertation Council at KAZNAU of S. Seifullin on a subject «Veterinary-sanitation expertise of horse meat at endoparasites in conditions of Northern Kazakhstan» in 16.00.06-veterinary scince, ecology, zoohygiene and veterinary-sanitation expertise


Work  experience: total 22 years


 Certificates: 1. Сertificate in continuing education has participated in 72 academic hong Advanced course  in ``Engineering management in chemistry and environmental biology``  provided by  Central Bohemia University with grade ``A`` Prague, November 11-21,2013

Awards: • "Algys hut to the independence day of Kazakhstan was awarded the 2013

Scientific development 1. Procedural Scheme Design Activity on Creation of the Methodical System for Teaching            

Bachelors of Mathematics.  World Applied Sciences Journal 26 (5): 596-599, 2013

  1. Production technology of flavors  Life Science  Journal 2014; 11 (6s) 439-441


Publications: author more than 25 scientific and methodical works. Among them the most significant