Tursunova Gulbarshyn Tursunovna - Academician of the Academy of Humanitarian Sciences and International Information Academy, Professor of K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University, Head of the Kazakh Language Department.

Gulbarshyn Tursunovna Tursunova - Head of the Kazakh Language Department of Akzhan Mashani Basic Education Institute.

She was born in June 22, 1955. In 1973 Gulbarshyn Tursunovna entered S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University and successfully graduated from it in 1978 in the “The Kazakh Language and Literature” specialty. In 2004 she defended the “The Kazakh Language Methods of Mastering as a means of Communication by students of Mining Faculties (for Russian departments of higher technical institutes)” thesis in the 13.00.02 specialty – Theory and methods of teaching of the Kazakh language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education. From 1989 till 1991 G.T. Tursunova worked as an editor in the “Editorial and publishing Department” of the K.I. Satbayev KazNTU. In 1991 she was transferred to another post – lecturer of the “Kazakh Language Department” where she is still working at present in Russian speaking groups. G.T. Tursunova takes an active part in republican, regional and international (Russia, Poland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Bashkir republic) conferences. Gulbarshyn Tursunovna is a member of editing board of “Kazakh Language and Literature in Kazakh and Russian Classes” and “Kazakh Language in secondary schools” scientific and methodical and pedagogical journals. She is the author of more than 100 scientific and methodical works: 1 monograph, 5 text-books, 9 teaching aids, more than 30 methodical recommendations. 15 educational and methodical works have been published in republican collected scientific works. G.T. Tursunova constantly publishes articles on scientific and educational topical problems in such regional and republican newspapers as “The President and People”, ”Science and Kazakhstan Life”, “Science and Education of Kazakhstan”, “Ana Tili” and “RAS”. She is a member of the Scientific Board of K.I. Satbayev KazNTU. G.T. Tursunova was awarded by: “For Special services”, “A. Baitursynov” and “For Achievements in RK Science Development” medals, “Honorary Worker in RK Education”, “Vet of KazNTU” and “I. Altynsaryn” breast badges.

She is “The Best Lecturer in Higher Educational Institution” Government scholarship holder as well. Prof. Gulbarshyn Tursunovna takes an active part in educational, scientific and brining up activities. She’s an industrious and responsible person. G.T. Tursunova is held in great respect among colleagues and students.
