By Кожантов Арыстан Узакбаевич on Friday, 14 November 2014
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Kozhantov Arystan Uzakbayevich was born on December 31, 1975, in the city of Almaty in a family of employees. On a nationality the Kazakh. Relationship status – I am married and we bring up three children. The native language - Kazakh, Russian in perfection, I transport in English with the dictionary / I have initial knowledge - (Beginner), (Elementary) and in plans to receive (IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CPE, BEC, etc.).

In 1992 I left secondary school of G. Musrepov No. 86 in the city of Almaty and I entered the Kazakh polytechnical institute of V. I. Lenin on mountain faculty (nowadays Kazakh national technical university of K. I. Satpayev). In 1997 I graduated Kazakh national technical majoring in of Satpayev in "Open-cast mining of mineral deposits". Qualification profession: mining engineer. The higher technical education. The location to the address: Almaty, 050013, Satpayev St. - 22.

In 1997 for 1998 I was the graduate student at institute of mining of D.A.Kunayeva at Akademi Nauk RK in department of postgraduate study and doctoral studies, with 1998 on 2000g.g. at the Kazakh national technical university of K. I. Satpayev it is invited to the trainee's position – the researcher and in combination I taught to specialties: "Open-cast mining of a mineral deposit", "Underground mining of mineral deposits" and "Surveying business and geodesy". In 2000 it is transferred completely to a position of the teacher (PPS) and on the presents time. In 2006 on chair "Open mining operations" as the senior teacher.

With 2001goda on the presents time I am the performer of programs of the State Basic researches on scientifically - to research works.

From 1993 to 1997 academic years it was trained on military chair at the Kazakh national technical university of K. I. Satpayev and I received a military rank of the lieutenant of a stock.

On educational process it is published 5 uchebno - methodical complexes. Opublikovanno of 13 scientific articles.

In 2010. I defended the scientific dissertation of Candidate of Technical Sciences on a subject: "Creation of methodology of rational development of mining operations at open-cast mining of complex fields" on dissertation council 25.00.21 - "Theoretical bases of design of mining systems".

The father, Kozhantov Uzakbay Omarovich 1946, was born in Kyzylorda and worked in пгт Sara – Ozeke (business owner).

Mother, Kaliyeva Kulyash Sabitovna was born 1947 in the city of Astrakhana, worked in city district clinic as the oculist. I died 2010.

The brother, Kozhantov Asylbek Uzakbayevich was born 1969 in the city of Almaty, works in private construction the companies as the architect. I am married, brings up two children.

The sister, Kozhantova Manshuk Uzakbayevna was born 1982 in the city of Almaty, works in the private medical center as the sanitary epidemiologist. I am married.

The wife, Matkerimova Raushan Azharbekovna was born 1975 in the city of Ust Kamenogorsk, works as the senior teacher at the Kazakh national university of a name of Al - Farabi at faculty "International relation".

The daughter, Arystan of Akzhan Arystankyza was born 2003 in Almaty. Study in schools gymnasiums No. 148.

The son, Arystan Altynbek Arystanyly was born 2007 in Almaty. Schools gymnasiums No. 148 study.

The son, Arystan of Zhantore Arystanyla was born 2009 in Almaty.

Registration address: Almaty, Zhetysuysky area, st. Kulager.