By Текенова Надежда Айтказыевна on Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Category: Дополнительные материалы


 - was born in the East Kazakhstan region on February 21, 1965.

Head of the research and development workshop of the Scientific Research Institute "Almatygenplan" LLP

In 1987 she graduated from the Ust-Kamenogorsk Road Construction Institute with a degree in Architecture. She began her career in the master plan workshop as an architect of the 3rd category at the individual invitation of the Director of the State Public Institution "Almaatagiprogor". Almatygenplan Scientific Research Institute LLP was organized in 1988, where she, as a member of the expert's group, worked over general plan of Almaty-city approved in 1989.       

After approving the general plan in 1989, she, already appointed by the time as a leading architect, independently performed designing several parts of the city – detailed planning projects (airport area project, projects of individual planning of build-up zones in Shanyrak), etc.

Since 1999 to 2007, she was working in the "Center for Urban Development Project LLP" as a leading architect, participating in the creation of the Urban Cadastre Database of Almaty city in the GIS program (the first urban cadastre database in Kazakhstan). Digitization of all planning restrictions, taps, acts of selection was carried out with the inclusion of all attribute data in the MapInfo GIS program. The database was created with reference to the local coordinate system of Almaty-city. A lot of work was also done by her in expert's group in the framework of “Plan-regulation for the functional zone development of the territory of Almaty-city” in 2006 and others.

In 2007-2008, she carried out sketching and detailed design works as a Chief Architect of "Metropolis LLP" Company.

In 2008-2009, she worked at G-4 Design Institute LLP as a Chief Designer performing design of four (4) satellite cities along the Kapshagai Highway.

In 2009, she was invited to the State Enterprise "Almaty City Building Cadastre" as a Head of Department of the Urban Cadastre.  Taking leading positions, she directly participated in development and creation of electronic databases of the address plan and urban cadastre, as a member of expert's group adjusting the general plan of Almaty-city, etc. From 2013 to 2018, she held the position of Deputy Director.

Upon creation of the Almatygenplan Scientific Research Institute LLP in 2017, she, in addition to her direct duties, pays great attention to dialogue with colleagues, architects, engineers, executives, and representatives of public organizations. Especially now, when our Institute is a leader in the development and maintenance of urban planning databases in GIS systems.

In 2018, she entered graduate school at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture at the department of “Theory and History of Architecture, Restoration and Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage”.

Participation in international conferences, forums

Ÿ Report “Experience in maintaining the State Urban Planning Cadastre on the example of the Almaty-city”, Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientifically-practical aspects of urban agglomeration development”. (November 18, 2011, Moscow)

Ÿ Report “Reconsideration of the old quarters of a metropolis. Architectural Policy Strategy ”at the Almaty URBAN TALKS Forum, Astana, September 25-27, 2018

Ÿ A trip to London, Manchester, Liverpool in 2018 in the frame work of the “We Almaty” Program for familiarization with international experience in organizing urban transport systems, renovating industrial territories, etc.


  1. The positive and problematic aspects of creating pedestrian spaces” Tekenova N.A. Rakhimzhanova L.Sh. “Bulletin of KazNIISA JSC No. 7 (95) 2019
  2. "The problems of developing a system of central open spaces in the city of Almaty: the results of sociological and field studies." K.T. Ibragimova, Z.B. Karakbaev, N.A. Tekenova "Bulletin of “KazGASA” No. 4 (74) 2019
  3. "The basic concepts of reconstruction of Abay Avenue in Almaty" Kurmangaliev M.N. Rakhimzhanova L.Sh. Tekenova N.A.   The magazine "New". 2019