By Онищук Игорь Игорьевич on Tuesday, 05 November 2019
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Doctor of legal sciences, assistant professor, head of the department of theory and history of state and law of King danylo university (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)


2018 - defended the dissertation of Doctor of Law in specialty 12.00.01 (Theory and History of State and Law; History of Political and Legal Doctrines) on the topic: “Legal monitoring: theoretical and practical principles”;

2015 - the academic title of Associate Professor (Docent) of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law;

2012 - defended the dissertation of Candidate of Law in specialty 12.00.01 (Theory and History of State and Law; History of Political and Legal Doctrines) on the topic: "Technique of Legal Writing in Normative Legal Acts";

2010 - graduated from the Law Institute of the Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, specializing in Jurisprudence, Master of Law qualification;

2007 - graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Academy in the field of "Canon Law" and defended his dissertation of the Candidate of Sciences in Theology on the topic: "The Zamojskyj Synod of 1720. Historical and Legal Analysis of Decisions and Decisions".

Additional education:

2019 - Internship at the Academy of Social Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Krakow (Społeczna Akademia Nauk, Wydział Nauk Stosowanych w Krakowie);

2017 - Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National Academy of Internal Affairs (Kyiv), advanced training courses for scientific and pedagogical employees of higher educational establishments;

2006 - Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, diploma of specialist in qualification "Practical psychologist";

2002 - Internship in the USA (New - Orleans, Louisiana).


The Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of King Danylo University (currently);

2018-2019 - Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Precarpathian Faculty of the National Academy of Internal Affairs;

From 2018 - Chairman of the Public Council for Cooperation with Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine;

2016-2017 - Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Precarpathian Faculty of the National Academy of Internal Affairs;

Since 2013 - the Patriarchal Curia Communications Officer, the UGCC and the official representative of the UGCC at the Public Council for Cooperation with Religious Organizations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.;

2012-2016 - Senior Lecturer and later Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Ivano-Frankivsk University of King Danylo Halytsky;

2010–2012 - Lecturer at the Department of State Theory and Law at the Precarpathian Law Institute of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, and later at the Department of General Theory of State and Law at the Institute of Law, Psychology and Economics of the same educational institution;

2009–2018 - Director of the Regional Spiritual Revival Foundation;

Since 2008 - Head of the Commission for Promoting Unity between Christians of the Ivano-Frankivsk Archdiocese of the UGCC;

 2005 - 2010 - Lecturer in Theology Department, Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Academy.


2018 - Awarded the title of Peace Ambassador by the Universal Peace Federation for the peacekeeping services of humanity for the common good, the promotion of common moral values, inter-religious cooperation, inter-ethnic harmony and the renewal of the UN;

2015 - awarded with a Golden Breast Cross with decorations by the Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Ivano-Frankivsk UGCC for significant services in the development of the ecumenical movement and promoting interfaith dialogue;

2015 - named Archbishop of the Supreme Archbishop of Kyiv-Halytsky, His Beatitude Svyatoslav for his significant contribution to the development of state-confessional relations, promotion of democratic values ​​and ideas of building a rule of law in Ukraine with the priorities of justice and the rule of law;

2010 - awarded with a Golden Breast Cross by the bishop of the Diocese of Ivano-Frankivsk, Volodymyr Vijtyshyn, for exemplary teaching at the Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Academy and Seminary.


The scientist participates in the development and definition of national legal doctrine, in law-making activities of the state. Author of many proposals for public authorities to ensure continuous improvement of national legislation, protection of human rights and peacebuilding on the basis of the rule of human personality, justice and charity. Co-founder of the first in Ukraine laboratory of academic studies of legal regulation and legal technology, which is of value in the training of practitioners and scientists.


The author of more than 100 scientific works in the fields of law, canon law and state-confessional relations: more than 70 scientific articles published in Ukrainian and foreign professional editions;  more than 30 publications in abstracts of papers at scientific and practical conferences; 3 monographs: «Technique of legal writing in normative legal acts», «Zamoysky synod of 1720. Historical and legal analysis»;  Legal monitoring: problems of methodology, theory and practice.  Co-author of 2 monographs: "Trends in the development of supranational legal language and writing on the example of the eurolect as a subsystem of the national languages ​​of the European Union"; Innovations in Science: The Challenges of Our Time [§ 3.9. The effect of socio-psychological and linguistic factors on the quality of the legislative system of Ukraine]. Author of the textbook for higher education students "Legal monitoring of freedom of conscience and religion in the historical and legal context of the Eastern Catholic Churches of the Byzantine rite". Co-author of the textbooks "Legal Technique";  "Legal technique in diagrams and tables";  "Eastern Churches: State-Confessional Relations"; educational and methodological complexes in legal technique. Co-author of the Legal Doctrine of Ukraine: In 5 volumes National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine;  Legal Technique: Doctrine Issues: [Ch.  3.6].  He is the author of scientific publications in periodicals that are included in scientometric databases recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, including Scopus or Web of Science Core Collection.