By Заманбеков Шуахбай Заманбекович on Thursday, 03 May 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


I was born in 1950 in the Kegens country of the Almaty region. In 1974 he graduated Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Kazakh State University name of Kirov in the specialty "Mathematics".

In 1982 graduated full-time PhD holders course of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and defended his thesis on "Optimization of the development and location of the machine building complex of the Kazakh SSR, taking into account the protection and rational use of water resources", specializing in "Mathematical methods and application of computer technology in economic research, planning and management of the national economy and branches ". I have an academic title of Full Professor of economics in 2017 after that the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science. Corresponding member of the International Economic Academy of Eurasia.

I have had work experience position of an economist and the head of the sector of the metallurgy and machine building sector of the research and economic planning and standards institute under the State Planning Committee of the Kazakh SSR from 1974 to 1990.

I have had work  experience head of the engineering department of National company  KRAMDS from 1990 to 1996 after that I was changed working for head of department "Economics and Business" of Almaty University of Technology and Business from 1996 to 1999

I promoted my career from for head of department "Economics and Business" to vice-rector at the Almaty Economic University in 1999 to 2004.

I have been working  dean of the faculty "Economics and Service in Education", head of the departments "Economics, Accounting and Tourism" that  I’m working as an Full Professor at the Department of Economics and Business at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University of since 2004.

The total number of research papers – 110 following information :

      -  the editions recommended by Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 23;

      -  the RINC journals - 10;

      -  the scientific peer-reviewed journals according to Thomson Reuters (Web of Science, Thomson Reuters) - 6;

- the foreign journals - 12;

- the  republican journals  and international conferences - 30;

- monographs - 3;

- textbooks and teaching guide - 8.

In 2009 was awarded the title "The best teacher of the university". In 2014 was awarded the breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Altinsarin. " The national certificate was awarded in the nomination "Specialist of the Year 2013". Honorary citizen of Raiymbek district of Almaty region.