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Date of birth: 05.02.1964.

Marital status: married, has 3 children



1981-1987.: Almaty State Medical Institute


Postgraduate education

1995-1997.: Clinical residensy in neurosyrgery in SRI of Neurosurgery named after N.N. Burdenko (Moscow).

1997-2000.: Full-time post-graduate course in neurosurgery in SRI of Neurosurgery named after N.N. Burdenko (Moscow).

2001.: Defense of the master’s thesis (Moscow).

2010.: Defense of the doctoral thesis (Almaty)



1987-1995.: Neurosurgeon in Regional children’s hospital of Atyrau city.

1995-2001.: Neurosurgeon (under contract) SRI of Neurosurgery named after N.N. Burdenko (Moscow).

2001-2008.: Assistant of the Department of Neurosurgery of Almaty State Institute for Advanced Medical Education, department head in city clinical hospital №7of Almaty city.

From 2008-to the present time: head of the department of neurosurgery of Almaty State Institute for Advanced Medical Education, department head in city clinical hospital №7of Almaty city.


Professional skils and  zone of interest

Surgical and conservative treament:

- craniocerebral trauma and consequances

- tumors and vascular deseases of the brain

- malformations of the barin and skull bones


Surgical activity активность

- 300 operations per year to remove brain tumors.



Multiple advanced training courses at tha Almaty State Institute for Advanced Medical Education.

2002 – training course on the treatment of hydrocephalus in hospitals  «Charite» and «Marzahn» (Germany).

2005 – training course Meathke (Germany).

2010 – training course on the surgical treatment of tumors of the skullbase (Switzerland).

2011 – School of the World Association of Neurosurgeons (Astana).

2012 – course of neuromicrosurgery (South Korea).

2012 – course of the neurooncology (Israel).

2013 – WFNS (courses of the World Federation of Neurosurgery) (South Korea)

2013 – WFNS (Portugal)

2015 – EANS (courses of the European Association of Neurosurgery) (Spain)

2017г – Primary Healthcare Management in Japan (Japan)



Proficiency in languages

Kazakh, Russian, speaking English

Academic degree

Doctor of Medical Science

Qualification category


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