By Бекбенбетова Базаркуль on Friday, 18 April 2014
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Candidate economic sciences, associate professor


1969 - 1974 years. Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and food industries. Occupation: domestic service economy .

1983 1987 he. Full-time graduate studies at the Department of "Economics, organization, management and planning of water economy" Novocherkassk "Badge of Honor" Engineering - Institute of reclamation. Novocherkassk, Rostov region

 28.05.1999. Defence of candidate's dissertation. Degree: Ph.D. Economic Sciences, cipher - 08.00.05.

21.03.2002 Title: Associate Professor, cipher - 08.00.00 . - Economics


"Interkulturelle Weiterbildungsgesellschaft e.V". on the program "Teaching Methodology and management of quality of education in higher educational establishments". Dusseldorf,(Germany) from 3 to June, 17 2013 year.

COURSES (2009 - 2014):

1. Certificate course "Fundamentals of Corporate Governance", Institute of Directors , April 27, 2009;

2 . Business workshop on «Basics of quality management». Under the sponsorship of the Foundation «ExxonMobil», Astana 11. 2009;

3 . Course "Kazakhstan Network Technology Transfer: Opportunities and Prospects". Astana, 1.12. 2009;

4 . Passport to the seminar on training and retraining of personnel in Kazakhstan innovatsionnnogo management on «Market research , building a business plan, creating a Start-up companies, the commercialization of research and development», Italy –Astana, 5.12.2009;

5. Seminar on "Methodological approaches to target the development of projects in the framework of the Tempus program" organized by the National Tempus Office in Kazakhstan with the support of the Executive Agency for Education of the European Commission, 10-12 February 2010;

6. Completed the course on Energing Capital Markets givlectures give bu Professor of Ekonomik Edilberto Segura, Ph.D, Columbia Universitu; MBA, Stanford Universitu; AMR, Harvard Universitu (USA) from November 14 to December 3, 2011;

7. Course "Problems economy enterprises in modern conditions of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation." Astana, 9-24. 12.2011;

8. The course is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan on "Crisis management now ." Astana, 9-24.12.2011 year;

9. The course is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan on "Modern methods of innovative development of the economy and the prospects for their use in the Republic of Kazakhstan". Astana, 13 29.12.2011;

10 . Certificate Express entrepreneurship courses organized by JSC "Samruk -Kazyna" JSC and " Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" and the People's Democratic Party" Nur Otan ", 2011year;

11. Seminar on " Corporate Governance". Astana, 17- 19, October 2011year;

12. Seminar: "Modern trends in corporate financial management costs", Astana, 19- 29 December, 2011;

13. Cycle of lectures on "Contemporary Kazakhstan in the modern world" on the 20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan. Astana, 11-24 . 11.2011god;

14. Certificate on "Modern methods of innovative development of the economy and the prospects for their use in the Republic of Kazakhstan" lecturer Adukov AD Astana, 11-29.2012;

15. Completed a course of lectures give bu Prof.Dr.Jau Nathan, Ph.D. Professor of Johns Universitu, New Uourk, USA. Ihe theme of the lecture series was «Bisiness Culturesin Ekonomik Development». 22.02-3.03 .2012;

16. Certificate Exchange: Regional Economy , 17-28 September 2012;

17. Course "Features of the securities market in modern conditions". Astana, April 30 to May 14, 2012;

18. Certifikate of Attendance. On behalf of this and Organizing committees of the Thrird Internazional Conference. Athens, Greece 23-26 of May 2013.


2007 - present Associate Professor of Eurasian National University named after

           LN Gumilev Astana (Department of Economics)

2006-2007 - Head of the Department, "Accounting and Auditing" Kazakh-Turkish

                  University A. Yasawi.

2004 -2006 - Researcher (PhD thesis: Evaluation the region's role in the

                     economy: structural policy and structural restructuring) Senior


2002-2004 - Associate Professor of "Economics" Kazakh-Turkish University


1995-2002 - Associate Professor of "Economics" Zhambyl Technology

                     Institute of Light and Food Industry , renamed in 1998 in Taraz State

                     University  M.H.Dulati

1993-1995 - senior lecturer of the Graduate School of Business "Elteks",

​​                   Zhambyl.

1987-1993 - Assistant Professor of "Economics and Planning agribusiness"

                   Zhambyl Irrigation and Construction Institute.

1983-1987 - full-time postgraduate study at the Department of " Economics and

                   Organization Water Resources Planning " Novocherkassk Engineering

                     reclamation Institute , Rostov -on-Don .

1980-1983 - Head of the Department of methodical study "Political Economy",

                   Zhambyl Irrigation and Construction Institute.

1974-1980 - Head of Planning and Economic Department of the factory "Cleaning

                     and dyeing clothes" Snowflake. ​​ Zhambyl city.


Has diplomas administration Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilev (2013, 2014)., Astana, Academy Language, 2010.



Ability to develop, adjusting training and guidance documents (working curricula, etc.) economic specialties, preparation and conduct of scientific-methodological seminars. Ability to coordinate scientific and methodical work, computer and communication skills, teamwork and more.

LANGUAGES. Kazakh, Russian perfectly, German and English (with dictionary)

Supplement. Consider their strengths: successfully work in a team and to make decisions quickly adapt to the working conditions, easily trained, ability to establish contact with people

Personal qualities. Accurate, punctual, responsible, non-explosive, no bad habits

Interests. Books, classical music, sewing.