By Жансагимова Аягоз Ержановна on Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Sphere of the scientific interests

Tourism, the green economy, cluster, control of personnel in the tourism, competitiveness ofthe agricultural economy, the agro-tourism.

Teaching disciplines

Labour Economics,

Planning the activity of the enterprise,

Professional the Russian language,

Corporate strategy of the enterprise.

Main research areas
Tourism, green economy, cluster management, board personnel in tourism competitiveness of agrarian economy, agro tourism
 Information about internships

Current research projects      Agro-tourism



Pavlodar cooperative technical сollege. Specialty: commodity expert.


Kazakhfinancial and economic university. Specialty:  Economist- Accountant


S.SeifullinPavlodar state university. Specialty: Master of economy


L.N. GumilyovEurasian national university,  PhD of tourism.

Work experience


Self employed.


teacher of "Business Technology"at KazUTB


Full-time studies in the doctoral L.N. GumilyovEurasian National University


Associate Professor of "Economic and technical disciplines"at "Astana" University

2016-till present

Senior lecturer of EconomicsatS.Seifullin KazATU


  1. Training in g.Lill (France), University of Lille in November-December 2011.
  2. International exhibition "Hospitality" g.Chikago (USA) in March 2013.
  3. Foreign seminar - «Business sand Social Sciences. Asia-pacificeducation and research Associationinc. »Seoul (Korea) on 27-29 June 2013.
  4. Foreign Workshop - Feb 21-22 Innovative Technologies in Science. UAE, Dubai.

Publications (in recent years)

The author of more than 54 scientific papers

The most important for a submission:

  1. Model of organizational structure of tourist cluster in Kazakhstan National Academy Of Management. Scientific economic journal. №11 (149) 2013. ISSN 1993-6788, Aktualnі Problems of Economy (Ukraine). Scopus.332-337 with.
  2. Innovation, investing, economics and touris. Life Science Journal. Innovation, investing, economics and tourism. Life Sci J 2014; 11 (11s), C. 550-555 (ISSN: 1097-8135). Scopus.
  3. The book - "Innovation and economic development of the tourism of Kazakhstan" Master software. Monograph September 2014. S.200
  4. Textbook - Excursion Master software. Textbook November 2015 p.185
  5. Finance, franchise and their impact on tourism. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. December 2016, vol. 21, no. 3