By Яновская Ольга Алексеевна on Monday, 03 July 2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Yanovskaya Olga Alekseevna graduated with honors from the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, specializing in "Labor Economics"; Graduated from the full-time post-graduate course of the Almaty Institute of National Economy and doctoral studies of the Kazakh Economic University (AINH); had defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences and doctor of economic sciences. She holds the academic title of Associate Professor and Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Olga Alekseevna started her career as an economist at the Zerger Experimental Plant of the Ministry of Local Industry of the Kazakh SSR and continued her studies at the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy as a junior researcher, as teacher in the academic "Economy of Industry" department, as Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Kazakh Economic University (AINH) of the name of T. Ryskulov. She was working as a Vice-Rector on scientific work and protection of copyrights and intellectual property at the Kazakh Economic University for a long time; Vice-rector for educational and methodical work of the University of International Business. She directed the MBA and PhD programs at the Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU). Then she was appointed to the post of advisor to the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Being the holder of a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2013 she completed a scientific internship in Switzerland, Montreux Business School in the framework of the Bolashak program.

After undergoing a scientific internship she was appointed to the post of President-Rector of “Academy of Finance” JSC of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

She took a part in the development of: "State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2020", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science", the project "Program for the Development of Small and Medium Business in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Policy Concept for Small and Medium Enterprises in Kazakhstan)", approved and adopted by the Government.

Yanovskaya Olga Alekseevna made a great contribution to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Under her scientific guidance there were 6 doctorals and 40 Ph.D, which were defended, and were trained 7 PhD doctors. She created a scientific school "School of theory, methodology and practice of financial and economic research of national and world economy", the description of which was included in the encyclopedia "Leading scientific schools" (Russian scientific schools).

She is the author of more than 150 scientific works, among which are: e-books: Management (certificate of state registration of rights to copyright object No. 1405 of July 13, 2012) and Corporate Governance (certificate of state registration of rights to copyright object No. 1318 From 29.06.2015); monograph: "Economic indicators of the countries of the CU and the SES in the development of integration (" Mechanisms for the modernization of the financial sector in the context of economic integration: Kazakhstan. "Monograph, 2014) and" System Analysis and Assessment of the State Budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Problems of Effective Financial System Management "( Scientific and practical research (call monograph), 2015); Article: "The system of quality management in education in the university" / / "International Journal of Experimental Education." Moscow, 2016, No. 8-1; "Economic indicators of the countries of the CU and EEA in the development of integration";  multi-authored monograph "Mechanisms for the modernization of the financial sector in the context of economic integration: Kazakhstan", 2014; "The creation and operation of integration groups to combat the shadow economic as an effective mechanism to counter the financing of terrorism," Magazine "-" Finance ", 2014; "Development of business education as a factor to ensure the competitiveness of the economy of the RK // Magazine" Karzhy "-" Finance ", 2014; "The tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan: essence and types of taxes / / Journal of Economics and Statistics. Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, No. 4, 2013; "System Change" (Impact Factor); "International Conference on Economics and Business Market Managenment", December 05-06 2013, Istanbul, Turkey; "Assessment of Kazakhstan's Gender Policy: Problems and Prospects" (Impact Factor) // Women in Management, 2012.

Professor Yanovskaya Olga Alekseevna is a member of the dissertational council for defending dissertations on awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and doctor in profile at the Academy of  Public Service under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Expert of "National Center for Scientific and Technical Information" JSC in the field of economics, management, marketing and social sphere; a member of the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan; member of the Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (NAAR); The chief editor of the journals: "Margin-Finances", "Eurasia of Odesa-Union Eurasia".

For her fruitful, successful, pedagogical and scientific work Olga Alekseevna rewarded with Lapel Badge "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Lapel Badge "Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; Breastplate "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; Medal "XX years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan." He has letters of appreciation from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. She was marked by the diplomas of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For special merits in science, she was awarded the European Medal by K.D. Ushinsky "European scientific and industrial consortium - Konstantin Ushinsky". In 2016 she was awarded the Union of the National Business Rating of Kazakhstan with the medal "Industry Leader - 2016".

For the effective management of the leading enterprise and personal contribution to the development of the country's economy in 2016 she  was awarded the Order "Decus oeconomicae".

In 2017, "For successes in the development of domestic science" she was awarded a medal named after V.I. Vernadsky by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.