By Джемпеисова Гульнара Ислямовна on Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Category: Дополнительные материалы


Dzhempeisova  Gulnara  Islyamovna

Degree: Candidate of economic sciences. 08.00.05 – Economy and management of a national economy (in industries and activities). Diploma FK № 0004024 (25.01.2010)

Position: Assistant Professor of the department  "Finance, accounting and taxation"

Education: In 1992 -1997 yy. East Kazakhstan State University, specialty "Economics and Management"; Diploma ZHB0114954

2002-2007, Astana, Eurasian University LN, Gumilev degree seeking on specialty 08.00.05 - Economy and management of a national economy (in industries and activities)

Work Experience: 2000 to 2002. worked East Kazakhstan State University versatile college since 2002 working at the department "Finance, accounting and taxation" as an assistant, since 2004 - as a teacher, and in 2006 transferred to the post of senior lecturer, in 2011 - as an assistant professor.

Teaching disciplines: "Finance", "Money Loan Banks", "Banking", "Taxes and taxation", "Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects", "Financing and investment lending", «Financial markets and intermediaries»

Research interests: Development of scientific bases competitiveness of the national (Kazakhstan) economy in the long run

Total number of scientific papers: Main areas of research for the 2012 - 2013 academic  year:

Further Training: Annually improves her skills within the domestic and international projects. Relevant certificates , including:

Membership in scientific and professional societies: 2012 - Member of the International Academy of Informatization (Kazakhstan)